Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
1181DIG1.1Dignas, B.; Trampedach, Kai (ed.)Practitioners of the Divine. Greek Priests and Religious Officials from Homer to Heliodorusda
1182DIL1.1Dillon, JohnThe Middle Platonists. A study of platonismda
1183DIL2.1Dillon, MatthewGirls and women in classical greek religionda
1184DIN1.1.1Dindorf, Ludovic(ed.)Historici Graeci Minores vol. 1da
1185DIN1.1.2Dindorf, Ludovic(ed.)Historici Graeci Minores vol. 2da
1186DIO1.1Pseudo-Dionysie AreopagitulDe caelesti hierarchiada
1187DIO1.2Ps.-Denys L'AreopagiteOeuvres completesda
1188DIO1.3Pseudo-Dionisie AreopagitulCorpus Dionisiacum, ed. B.R. Suchla, vol. I-IIda
1189DIO1.4Ps.-Denys L'AreopagiteLa hierarchie celeste, trad. M. de Gandillacda
1190DIO1.5.1Pseudo-Dionisie Areopagitul; Chevallier, Phillippe (ed.)Dionysiaca; vol. 1da