
Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
911CarteCON2.1Connelly, Joan BretonPortrait of a priestess : women and ritual in ancient Greeceda
912CarteCOP1.1Nicolaus CopernicLa struttura del cosmoda
913CarteCOP2.1Copleston, FrederickA History of Philosophy. Vol. I: Greece and Romeda
914CarteCOP2.2Copleston, FrederickA History of Philosophy. Vol. II: Augustine to Scotusda
915CarteCOP2.3Copleston, FrederickA History of Philosophy. Vol. III: Ockham to Suárezda
916CarteCOP2.4Copleston, FrederickMedieval Philosophyda
917CarteCOR1.1Corbin, MichelSaint Anselmeda
918CarteCOR1.2Corbin, MichelLe chemin de la theologie chez Thomas d'Aquinda
919CarteCOR1.3Corbin MichelLa doctrine augustinienne de la Trinité da
920CarteCOR2.1Corte, Marcel deLa doctrine de l'intelligence chez Aristoteda
921CarteCOR3.1Cornford, Francis M.Plato's Theory of Knowledge (The Theaetetus and the Sophist)da
922CarteCOR4.1Cornea, AndreiScriere si oralitate in cultura antica - Cazul Platonda
923CarteCOR5.1Corbin, HenryL'homme et son angeda
924CarteCOR6.1Theophile CorydaleeCommentaire a la Metaphysiqueda
925CarteCOR6.2Theophile CorydaleeIntroduction a la logiqueda
926CarteCOR6.3Teofil CoridaleuComentariu la tratatul Despre suflet al lui Aristotel (Cartea I)da
927CarteCOS1.1Pseudo-AristotelLiber de causisda
928CarteCOS2.1#1Costa, IacopoAnonymi artium magistri Questiones super librum ethicorum Aristotelisda
929CarteCOS2.1#2Costa, IacopoAnonymi artium magistri Questiones super librum ethicorum Aristotelisda
930CarteCOS2.2Costa, Iacopo (ed.)Le 'questiones' di Radulfo Brito sull’ « Etica Nicomachea »da
931CarteCOU1.1Couloubaritsis, Lambros La Phisique d'Aristoteda
932CarteCOU1.2Couloubaritsis, LambrosHistoire de la philosophie ancienne et medievale : figures illustresda
933CarteCOU2.1.1Courcelle, PierreConnais-toi toi-meme de Socrate a Saint Bernard vol Inu
934CarteCOU2.1.2Courcelle, PierreConnais-toi toi-meme de Socrate a Saint Bernard vol IInu
935CarteCOU2.1.3Courcelle, PierreConnais-toi toi-meme de Socrate a Saint Bernard vol IIInu