
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
3851CarteSTA1.1Stark, Rudolf; Allan, Donald J.; Aubenque, Pierre (eds.)La Politique d'Aristote. Sept exposes et discussions...da
3852Articolx-ste1.2Steel CarlosMedieval Philosophy: an Impossible Project? Thomas Aquinas and the "Averroistic" Ideal of Happinessda
3853Articolx-ste1.1Steel CarlosSiger of Brabant versus Thomas Aquinas on the Possibility of Knowing the Separate Substancesda
3854Articolx-ste1.3Steel, Carlos ; Guy GuldentopsAn unknown tratise of Averoes against the Avicennians on the first causeda
3855ArticolX-ste2.1Steenberghen, Fernand vanProlegomenes a la <<quarta via>>da
3856CarteSTE7.1Stefani, Matteo (ed.)Marsilio Ficino lettore di Apuleio filosofo e dell'Asclepius: le note autografe nei codici Ambrosiano S 14 Sup. e Riccardiano 709da
3857CarteSTE4.1Steneck, H. NicholasScience and creation in the Middle Ages: Henry of Langenstein (d. 1397) on genesisda
3858CarteSTE1.1Steno, NicolausAnatomical Observations of the glands of the eye and their new vessels thereby revealing the true source of tearsda
3859CarteSTE2.1Stenzel, JuliusPlatone educatorenu
3860CarteSTE6.1Stepanos TaronetsiDes Stephanos von Taron armenische Geschichteda