
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
3676CarteSAL3.2SallustiusDe coniuration Catilinae, De Jugurthada
3677CarteGAB1.1Salomon ben Yehûdah ibn Gabirol (Avicebron)Fons vitaeda
3678CarteSAL5.1Salonen, KirsiPapal justice in the late Middle Ages. The Sacra Romana Rotanu
3679CarteSAL4.1Salvador, Xavier Laurent Archeologie et etimologie semantiques. La traduction du livre de l'Exode de la Bible Historiale (1295)da
3680CarteSAL7.1Salvadori, SaraHildegard von Bingen : a journey into the imagesda
3681CarteSAM2.1.1Samaran, Charles Une longue vie d'erudit. Recueil d'etudes (I)da
3682CarteSAM2.1.2Samaran, Charles Une longue vie d'erudit. Recueil d'etudes (II)da
3683CarteSAM1.1Sambursky, S.; Pines, S. The Concept of Time in Late Neoplatonismda
3684CarteSAM1.2Sambursky, S.; Pines, S. The Concept of Place in Late Neoplatonismda
3685CarteSAM3.1#1Samuelson, Norbert M.Jewish Philosophy: An Historical Introductionnu
3686CarteSAM3.1#2Samuelson, Norbert M.Jewish Philosophy: An Historical Introductionda
3687CarteSAN1.1Sandbach, F. H. Aristotle and the Stoicsda
3688CarteSAN2.1Sansen, Raymond Doctrine de l`amitie chez Ciceron. Expose-Source-Critique-Influenceda
3689CarteSAR2.1Sára, Balázs (ed.)Quelle & Deutung VIIda
3690CarteSAR1.1Sarna, Nahum M.Understanding Genesis : the world of the Bible in the light of historyda
3691CarteSAS1.1Sasu, Voichita-Maria De l'amour de l'aventure a l'aventure de l'amour (Moyen Age-Renaissance)da
3692CarteSAU1.1Saurma-Jeltsch, Lieselotte E.Die Miniaturen im "Liber scivias" der Hildegard von Bingen : die Wucht der Vision und die Ordnung der Bilderda
3693CarteSAN3.1Sánchez, Estefania BernabéSigna Iudicii. Orígenes, fuentes y tradición hispanada
3694Articolx-sca1.1Scazzoso, Piero Rivelazioni del linguaggio Pseudo-Dionisiano intorno ai temi della contemplazione e dell'estasida
3695ArticolX-sch1.1Schabel C.Questions on Future Contingents by Michael of Massa, OESAda
3696ArticolX-sch5.3Schabel C.Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom: Auriol, Pomponazzi, and on "Scholastic Subtletiesda
3697ArticolX-sch5.2Schabel C.Landulphus Caracciolo and a Sequax on Divine Foreknowledgeda
3698ArticolX-sch5.11Schabel C.The Quodlibeta of Peter of Auvergneda
3699ArticolX-sch5.12Schabel C.The Nicosia Franciscans vs. The Chapter of Nicosia Cathedralda
3700ArticolX-sch5.13Schabel C.Reason and Revelation in the Sentencesda