
Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
3391CarteTHO1.33Toma din AquinoDisertatii despre adevar : dezbaterea a XI-a despre invatatorda
3392CarteTHO1.34.1Thomas AquinasThe basic writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Vol. 1da
3393CarteTHO1.34.2Thomas AquinasThe basic writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Vol. 2da
3394CarteTHO1.35Thomas AquinasOn kingship. To the king of Cyprusda
3395CarteTHO2.1Thomas de Celano (Fericitul Toma de Celano)Viata Sfantului Francisc de Assisida
3396CarteTHO3.1Thomson, S. HarrisonThe writings of Robert Grossetesteda
3397CarteTHO4.1.1Thomson, Rodney M. (ed.)Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries. Volume I: Oxfordda
3398CarteTHO4.1.2Thomson, Rodney M. (ed.)Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries. Volume II: Cambridgeda
3399CarteTHO5.1Thome de ArgentinaSuper Sententiarum prima parsda
3400CarteTHU1.1.1ThucidideHistoriae, vol. Ida