
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
2551CarteKAS1.1Kassel, RudolfDer text der aristotelischen phetorikda
2552CarteIER2.1Katerina Ierodiakonou (ed.)Topics in Stoic Philosophyda
2553Articolx-kat1.1Kattsof, L. Concerning yhe Validity of Aristotelian Logicda
2554CarteBUS1.1Keith Busby, Noris J. Lacy (eds.)Conjunctures: Medieval Studies in Honor of Douglas Kellyda
2555ArticolX-kel1.1Kelly, CharlesCircularity and Amphiboly in some Anselmian Ontological Proofs: A syllogistic inquiryda
2556CarteHDK3.1Kempf, FriedrichDie mittelalterliche Kircheda
2557CarteKEN2.1Kennedy, Edward S.Astronomy and astrology in the Medieval Islamic worldda
2558Articolx-ken1.1Kennedy, George A. KThe Earliest Rhetorical Handbooksda
2559Articolx-ker1.2Kerferd, G.B. The First Greek Sophistsda
2560Articolx-ker1.1Kerferd, G.B. Plato's Noble Art of Sophistryda
2561CarteKES1.1Kesper-Biermann, Sylvia Kriminalität in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit : soziale, rechtliche, philosophische und literarische Aspekte da
2562CarteKEU1.1Keuls, Eva C.Plato And Greek Paintingda
2563ArticolX-keu1.1Keussen, Hermann Die matrikel der Universitat Koln. 1389 bis 1559; erster band 1389-1466, erste halfteda
2564CarteKIE1.1.3Kieckers, E. Historische griechische Grammatik. Syntax IIIda
2565CarteKIE1.1.4Kieckers, E. Historische griechische Grammatik. Syntax IVda
2566CarteKIL1.2Kilwardby, Robert; Judy, Albert G. (ed.)De ortu scientiarumda
2567CarteKIL1.3Kilwardby, Robert; Lewry, P. Osmund (ed.)On Time and Imagination. De Tempore. De Spiritu Fantasticoda
2568Articolx-kin3.1King, Hugh R. Aristotle and the Paradoxes of Zenoda
2569CarteKIR4.1Kirby, Gerald J.Law in the Writings of John of Salisbury and St. Thomas Aquinasda
2570CarteKIR3.1Kirk, G. S.The Homeric Poems As Historyda
2571CarteKIR1.1Kirk, G.S.; Raven, J.E.The Presocratic Philosophersda
2572Articolx-kir2.1Kirwan, Christopher Aristotle and the So-called Fallacy of Equivocationda
2573CarteKIS1.1Kisseleva, Ludmila; Stirnemann, Patricia (eds.)Catalogue des manuscrits medievaux en ecriture latine de la Bibliotheque de l'Academie des Sciences de Russie de Saint-Petersbourgda
2574CarteKIT1.1#1Kitanov, Severin ValentinovBeatific Enjoyment in Medieval Scholastic Debates. The Complex Legacy of Saint Augustine and Peter Lombardda
2575CarteKIT1.1#2Kitanov, Severin ValentinovBeatific Enjoyment in Medieval Scholastic Debates. The Complex Legacy of Saint Augustine and Peter Lombardda