2351 | Carte | PAT1.1.5 | Pattin, Adriaan | Miscellanea: V. Sint-Thomas en Aristoteles. Codicologie en filosofische terminologie | da |
2352 | Carte | COJ1.1 | Cojocaru, V; Rubel, A; | Mobility in reasearch on the Black Sea Region | da |
2353 | Carte | ABR1.1 | Abram, M; Dlabacova, A; Falque, I; Signore, G; | Mobilty of ideas and transmisson of texts | da |
2354 | Carte | DES1.1 | Desremaux, Alain; Schmidt, Francis(ed.) | Moïse géographe. Recherches sur les représentations juives et chrétiennes de l'espace | da |
2355 | Carte | SUC1.1 | Suciu, Alin | Monahul şi scribul. Creştinismul egiptean între idealul monahal şi cultura scrisă | da |
2356 | Carte | TEO2.1.1 | Theodoret von Cyrus | Monchsgeschichte | da |
2357 | Carte | PAR3.1 | Parry, J.; Bloch, M. | Money and the Morality of Exchange | da |
2358 | Carte | ANS1.5 | Anselm de Canterbury | Monologion | da |
2359 | Carte | ANS1.1 | Anselm din Canterbury | Monologion despre esenta divinitatii | da |
2360 | Carte | OSW1.1 | Oswald, Dana M. | Monster, Gender and Sexuality in Medieval English Literature | da |
2361 | Carte | BOV1.1 | Alixe Bovey | Monsters and Grotesques in Medieval Manuscripts | da |
2362 | Carte | MGH | *** | Monumenta Germaniae Historica | da |
2363 | Articol | x-sto2.1 | Stone, Martin W F. | Moral Psychology afer 1277: Did the Parisian Condemnation Make a Difference to Philosophical Discussions of Human Agency? | da |
2364 | Carte | PLU1.5 | Plutarh | Moralia (vol.VI,fasc.3) | da |
2365 | Carte | HER2.1 | Herodot | Morceaux choisis | da |
2366 | Carte | VAN2.1 | Vant Stef, Felicia | Morfologia istorica greaca | da |
2368 | Carte | VER2.2 | Vernant, Jean-Pierre | Mortals and immortals | da |
2369 | Carte | SHA2.1 | Shapiro, Herman | Motion, Time and Place according to William Ockham | da |
2370 | Carte | ATU1.1 | Atucha, Iñigo; Calma, Dragos; König-Pralong, Catherine; Zavattero, Irene (eds.) | Mots médiévaux offerts à Ruedi Imbach | da |
2371 | Carte | JOL1.7 | Jolivet, Jean (ed.) | Multiple Averroes | da |
2372 | Articol | X-cor2.1 | Corbin, Henry | Mundus imaginalis ou l'imaginaire et l'imaginal | da |
2373 | Carte | MOU1.4 | Moutsopoulos, Evanghelos | Muzica în opera lui Platon | da |
2374 | Carte | MCE1.2 | McEvoy, James | Mystical Theology: The Glosses by Thomas Gallus and the Commentary of Robert Grosseteste on De Mystica Theologia | da |
2375 | Carte | DIE1.1 | Dierkens, Alain; de Ryke, Benoît Beyer (eds.) | Mystique. La passion de l'Un, de l'Antiquité à nos jours | da |