
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
1631CarteCOR5.1Corbin, HenryL'homme et son angeda
1632CarteCOR1.1Corbin, MichelSaint Anselmeda
1633CarteCOR1.2Corbin, MichelLe chemin de la theologie chez Thomas d'Aquinda
1634Articolx-cor4.2Corcoran, JohnConceptual Structure of Classical Logicda
1635Articolx-cor4.1Corcoran, JohnCompleteness of am Ancient Logicda
1636ArticolX-cor1.1Cornea, A."If There Were an Eye on the back of The Heaven..."da
1637CarteCOR4.1Cornea, AndreiScriere si oralitate in cultura antica - Cazul Platonda
1638CarteEPI1.2Cornea, Andrei (ed.)Epicur şi Epicureismul
1639CarteNEP1.1Cornelius NeposLiber de excellentibus ducibus exterarum gentiumda
1640CarteCOR3.1Cornford, Francis M.Plato's Theory of Knowledge (The Theaetetus and the Sophist)da