
Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
1481CarteGUT1.1Gutas, DimitriGreek philosophers in the Arabic tradition da
1482CarteGUT2.1Gutu, GheorgheDictionar Latin Romanda
1483CarteGUY1.1.2Guyotjeannin, Olivier (Coord.)Conseils pour l'edition des textes medievaux. Fascicule IIda
1484CarteGUY2.1Guyot-Bachy, Isabelle Le Memoriale Historiarum de Jean de Saint-Victorda
1485CarteHAA1.1F. de Haas, J. MansfeldAristotle's On generation and Corruption, I, Symposium Aristotelicumda
1486CarteHAB1.1Habinek, ThomasThe world of Roman song : from ritualized speech to social orderda
1487CarteHAC1.1Hackett, M.B.The Original Statutes of Cambridge Universityda
1488CarteHAD1.1 Hadot, IlsetrautSeneca und die griechisch-romische tradition der seelenleitungda
1489CarteHAD2.1Hadot, PierreCe este filosofia antica?da
1490CarteHAH1.1R. HahnArchaeology and the Origins of Philosophyda