
Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
1476CarteGUI1.1Guinot, Jean-NoëlL'exégèse de Théodoret de Cyrda
1477CarteGUI2.1Guillelmus de la Mare; Kraml, HansQuaestiones in tertium et quartum Librum Sententiarumda
1478CarteGUI3.1Guitton, JeanLe temps et l'eternite chez Plotin et Saint Augustinda
1479CarteGUI4.1Guillaume de Saint-ThierryLa lettera d'oroda
1480CarteGUR1.1Guremen, R.; Jaulin, A. Aristote, L'Animal Politiqueda
1481CarteGUT1.1Gutas, DimitriGreek philosophers in the Arabic tradition da
1482CarteGUT2.1Gutu, GheorgheDictionar Latin Romanda
1483CarteGUY1.1.2Guyotjeannin, Olivier (Coord.)Conseils pour l'edition des textes medievaux. Fascicule IIda
1484CarteGUY2.1Guyot-Bachy, Isabelle Le Memoriale Historiarum de Jean de Saint-Victorda
1485CarteHAA1.1F. de Haas, J. MansfeldAristotle's On generation and Corruption, I, Symposium Aristotelicumda
1486CarteHAB1.1Habinek, ThomasThe world of Roman song : from ritualized speech to social orderda
1487CarteHAC1.1Hackett, M.B.The Original Statutes of Cambridge Universityda
1488CarteHAD1.1 Hadot, IlsetrautSeneca und die griechisch-romische tradition der seelenleitungda
1489CarteHAD2.1Hadot, PierreCe este filosofia antica?da
1490CarteHAH1.1R. HahnArchaeology and the Origins of Philosophyda
1491CarteHAL1.1.1Alexander de HalesGlossa in quatuor libros sententiarum Petri Lombardi. Vol. 1da
1492CarteHAL1.1.2Alexander de HalesGlossa in quatuor libros sententiarum Petri Lombardi. Vol. 2da
1493CarteHAL1.1.3Alexander de HalesGlossa in quatuor libros sententiarum Petri Lombardi. Vol. 3da
1494CarteHAL1.1.4Alexander de HalesGlossa in quatuor libros sententiarum Petri Lombardi. Vol. 4da
1495CarteHAL1.2.1Alexander de HalesSumma theologica, vol. 1da
1496CarteHAL1.2.2Alexander de HalesSumma theologica, vol. 2da
1497CarteHAL1.2.3Alexander de HalesSumma theologica, vol. 3da
1498CarteHAL1.2.4Alexander de HalesSumma theologica, vol. 4da
1499CarteHAL1.2.5Alexander de HalesSumma Theologica; indices in tom. I-IV (indice A-M)da
1500CarteHAL2.1Hall, John R.Apocalipsa: din Antichitate pana in Imperiul Modernitatiida