1306 | Carte | MAL4.1 | Malherbe, Michel ; Pousseur, Jean-Marie (ed.) | Francis Bacon: science et méthode | da |
1307 | Articol | X-sch5.4 | Schabel, C. | Francis of Marchia on Divine Ideas | da |
1308 | Articol | X-sch5.19 | Schabel C. , Papamarkou C. si Katsoura E. | Francis of Marchia's Commentary on Book 4 of the sentences. Traditions and Redactions, with Questions on Projectile Motion, Polygamy, and the Immortality of the Soul | da |
1309 | Articol | X-sch5.7 | Schabel, C. si Friedman, R. L. | Francis of Marchia's Commentary on Sentences: Question List and State of Research | da |
1310 | Carte | FRI1.2 | Friedman, Russell L. ; Schabel, Christopher David (eds.) | Francis of Marchia. Theologian and Philosopher : a Franciscan at the University of Paris in the Early Fourteenth Century | da |
1311 | Carte | FS36 | *** | Franciscan Studies | da |
1312 | Carte | FS37 | *** | Franciscan Studies | da |
1313 | Carte | FS38 | *** | Franciscan Studies | da |
1314 | Carte | FS39 | *** | Franciscan Studies | da |
1315 | Carte | FS40 | *** | Franciscan Studies | da |
1316 | Carte | FS12.3-4 | | Franciscan Studies volume 12, nos. 3 and 4 | da |
1317 | Carte | FS13.1 | | Franciscan Studies volume 13, no.1 | da |
1318 | Carte | WES1.1 | Westra, Haijo J. (ed.) | From Athens to Chartres. Studies in Honour of Edouard Jauneau | da |
1319 | Carte | FUR2.1 | Furtado, Rodrigo; Moscone, Marcello (eds.) | From Charters to Codex: studies on cartularies and archival memory in the middle ages | da |
1320 | Carte | MER4.1 | Merlan, Philip | From platonism to neoplatonism | da |
1321 | Carte | APO3.1.1 | Aristides von Athen; Justinus des Märtiren; Tatians des Assyrers etc. | Frühchristliche Apologeten und Märtirerakten (Band I) | da |
1322 | Carte | APO3.1.2 | Teophilus von Antiochien; Hermias des Philosophen; etc. | Frühchristliche Apologeten und Märtirerakten (Band II) | da |
1323 | Carte | IRI1.1.1 | Irenaus | Funf bucher gegen die haresien (I-III) | da |
1324 | Carte | IRI1.1.2 | Irenaus | Funf bucher gegen die haresien (IV-V) | da |
1325 | Carte | MAC7.1 | Makarius des Aegypters | Funfzig Geistliche Homilien | da |
1326 | Carte | BLA5.1 | Blackwell, Richard J.; Foscarini, Paolo Antonio | Galileo, Bellarmine, and the Bible : Including a Translation of Foscarini's Letter On the Motion of the Earth | da |
1327 | Carte | MAR5.1 | Marcus Aurelius | Ganduri catre sine | da |
1328 | Carte | ATH1.2#1 | Athanasius | Gegen die Heiden; Über die Menschwerdung; etc. (II Band) | da |
1329 | Carte | ATH1.2#2 | Athanasius | Gegen die Heiden; Über die menschwerdung; etc. (II Band) | da |
1330 | Carte | BLE1.1 | Nikephoros Blemmydes | Gegen die Vorherbestimmung der Todesstunde | da |