1 | Articol | x-coh1.1 | Cohen, Sheldon M. | St. Thomas Aquinas on the Immaterial Reception of Sensible Forms | da |
2 | Articol | x-keo1.1 | McKeon, Richard | Thomas Aquinas' Doctrine of Knowledge and Its Historical Setting | da |
3 | Carte | AER1.5 | Aertsen, Jan | Medieval Philosophy and the transcendentals. The case of Thomas Aquinas | da |
4 | Articol | X-hoe1.1 | Hoenen, M. J. F. M | The literary reception of Thomas Aquinas' view on the provability of the Eternity of the world in de la mares correctorium (1278 9) and the correctoria corruptorii (1279 ca 1286) | da |
5 | Carte | KIR4.1 | Kirby, Gerald J. | Law in the Writings of John of Salisbury and St. Thomas Aquinas | da |
6 | Articol | X-kli2.1 | Klima, Gyula | Ancilla theologiae vs. domina philosophorum. Thomas Aquinas, Latin Averroism and the Autonomy of Philosophy | da |
7 | Carte | GIL1.3 | Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies | The Gilson lectures on Thomas Aquinas | da |
8 | Carte | POR1.4 | Porro, Pasquale | Thomas Aquinas, A Historical and Philosophical Profile | da |
9 | Articol | X-rob2.1 | Robiglio, Andrea | Breaking the Great Chain of Being: a note on the Paris condemnations of 1277, Thomas Aquinas and the proper subject of metaphysics | da |
10 | Articol | x-ste1.2 | Steel Carlos | Medieval Philosophy: an Impossible Project? Thomas Aquinas and the "Averroistic" Ideal of Happiness | da |