1 | Carte | ABE1.5 | Pierre Abelard | Glossae super Peri Hermeneias | da |
2 | Carte | AER1.1 | Aertsen, Jan (Ed.) | What is Philosophy in the Middle Ages? | da |
3 | Carte | AER1.3 | Aertsen, Jan; Emery, Kent; Speer, Andreas (Hsg.) | After the Condemnation of 1277 | da |
4 | Carte | AER1.4 | Aertsen, Jan. A. | Medieval Philosophy as Transcendental Thought, from Philip the Cancellor (ca.1225) to Francisco Suarez | da |
5 | Carte | ALB2.2 | Albert cel Mare | Buch über die Ursachen und den Hervorgang von allem aus der ersten Ursache | da |
6 | Carte | ALB2.6 | Albert le Grand | Le traite du flux. Tractatus de fluxu causatorum a causa prima et causarum ordine | da |
7 | Carte | ANC1.1 | d'Ancona, Cristina | Recherches sur le Liber de causis | da |
8 | Carte | AUG1.6 | Augustin | Dialogues philosophiques, L'ordre | da |
9 | Carte | AUG1.12 | Augustin | In Iohannis Evangelium Tractatus CXXIV | da |
10 | Carte | AUG1.13 | Augustin | De diversis quaestionibus ad Simplicianum | da |
11 | Carte | AUG1.14 | Augustin | Contra academicos. De beata vita. De ordine. De magistro. De libero arbitrio | da |
12 | Carte | AUG1.15.1 | Augustin | De civitate Dei libri I-X | da |
13 | Carte | AUG1.15.2 | Augustin | De civitate Dei libri XI-XXII | da |
14 | Carte | AUG1.16 | Augustin | Confessionum Libri XIII | da |
15 | Carte | AUG1.17.1 | Augustin | Enarrationes in Psalmos I-L | da |
16 | Carte | AUG1.17.2 | Augustin | Enarrationes in Psalmos LI-C | da |
17 | Carte | AUG1.17.3 | Augustin | Enarrationes in Psalmos CI-CL | da |
18 | Carte | AUG1.18.1 | Augustin | Epistulae I-LV, cura et studio Kl. D. Daur | da |
19 | Carte | AUG1.18.2 | Augustin | Epistulae LVI - C, cura et studio Kl. D. Daur | da |
20 | Carte | AUG1.18.3 | Augustin | Epistulae CI - CXXXIX, cura et studio Kl. D. Daur | da |
21 | Carte | AUG1.19 | Augustin | Quaestionum in Heptateuchum libri VII, Locutionum in Heptateuchum libri VII, De octo quaestionibus ex Veteri testamento | da |
22 | Carte | AUG1.20 | Augustin | De sermone Domini in monte libros duos, ed. A. Mutzenbecher | da |
23 | Carte | AUG1.21 | Augustin | Sermones de Vetere Testamento, ed. Cyrillus Lambot OSB | da |
24 | Carte | AUG1.26 | Augustin | Sermones in Epistolas Apostolicas I | da |
25 | Carte | AUG1.27 | Augustin | Sermones in Epistolas Apostolicas II | da |