1 | Carte | ARI1.60 | Aristotel; David Ross (ed.) | De anima | da |
2 | Carte | AUN1.1 | Aune, David E. | Prophecy in Early Christianity and the Ancient Mediteranean World | da |
3 | Carte | BAR2.1 | Barber, Charles; Jenkins, David (eds.) | Reading Michael Psellos | da |
4 | Carte | BIB3.1 | Coogan, Michael David; Brettler, Marc Zvi ; Newsom, Carol Ann (eds.) | The new Oxford annotated Bible | da |
5 | Carte | BLO3.1 | David Bloch | John of Salisbury on Aristotelian Science | da |
6 | Carte | BUT2.1 | Butorac, David D.; Layne, Danielle A. (eds.) | Proclus and his legacy | da |
7 | Carte | COH1.1 | Cohen, David | Law, sexuality, and society: the enforcement of morals in classical Athens | da |
8 | Carte | COW1.1 | Cowling, David; Bruun, Mette B. (eds.) | Commonplace culture in western Europe in the early modern period, 1: Reformation, Counter-Reformation and revolt | nu |
9 | Carte | CRU1.1 | Cruceru, Marius David | Augustin, un amator ... Studiu asupra terminologiei filosofico-teologice de influenta greceasca in tratatele teologice tirzii ale lui augustin | da |
10 | Carte | DAV1.1 | David | Introducere in filosofie | da |