
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
2CarteMAR2.3Marenbon, JohnBoethius da
3CarteHOE1.1Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; Nauta, LodiBoethius in the Middle Ages. Latin & Vernacular Traditions of the Consolatio philosophiaeda
4CarteMAG4.1Magnano, FiorellaBoethius on Topical Differencesda
5CarteMAG4.1#2Magnano, FiorellaBoethius on Topical Differencesda
6ArticolX-wil2.1Wilpert Paul vonBoethius von Dacien-Die autonomie des philosophenda
7ArticolX-mac2.1MacDonald, ScottBoethius's Claim that all Substances are Goodda
8CarteBOE1.6Boethius; Gilbertus Porretanus; Avicenna; Averroes; Siger din Brabant; Dietrich din Freiberg; Ockham, WilliamCe este un lucru?da
9CarteBOE1.5BoethiusConsolarea filosofieinu
10CarteBOE1.1BoethiusConsolation de la Philosophieda
11ArticolX-BOE1.2BoethiusDE HEBDOMADIBUS cum Gilberti Porretae commentariada
12CarteBOE2.1Boethius DacusDe mundi aeternitate (ed. Sajo 1954 si 1964)da
13CarteBOE1.2BoethiusDe topicis differentiisda
14ArticolX-ubl1.1 Ubl, KarEngelbert von Admont als kritischer Leser der Schrift "De summo bono" des Boethius von Dacienda
15CarteSPA1.3Spade, Paul Vincent Five texts on the mediaeval problem of universals: Porphyry, Boethius, Abelard, Duns Scotus, Ockhamda
16CarteTHO1.24.2Thomas von Aquin; Schrödter, HermannKommentar zum Trinitätstraktat des Boethius (II)da
17CarteBOE1.3BoethiusLa consolazione della Philosophiada
18CarteMAR2.4Marenbon, John (ed.)The Cambridge companion to Boethius da
19CarteBOE6.1Boethius, Langston, Douglas C.The Consolation of Philosophyda
20CartePIN3.1Pinzani, RobertoThe problem of universals from Boethius to John of Salisburyda
21ArticolX-pap1.1Papahagi, A.The Transmition of Boethius' "de Consolatione Philosophiae" in the Carolingian Ageda
22CarteBOE2.3Boethius DacusTopica-Opuscula vol. VI, pars IIda
23CarteBOE1.4BoethiusTratate teologiceda