151 | Carte | ARI1.20 | Aristotel | Oeuvres Completes | da |
152 | Carte | ARI1.5 | Aristotel | On the Heavens | da |
153 | Carte | ARI1.8 | Aristotel | On the Soul. Parva Naturalia. On breath | da |
154 | Articol | x-spa1.1 | Spalding, K.T. | On the Sphere and Limit of the Aristotelian Logic | da |
155 | Carte | ARI1.50 | Aristotel | Opera Omnia, vol. vi: De animalium partibus, generatione, ingressu, motu, et de spiritu | da |
156 | Carte | ARI1.49 | Aristotel | Opera Omnia, vol. XIII: Poetica, et Rhetorica ad Alexandrum | da |
157 | Carte | SCO1.12.1 | Iohannes Duns Scotus | Opera Philosophica I: Quaestiones in librum Porphyrii Isagoge, Quaestiones super Praedicamenta Aristotelis | nu |
158 | Carte | SCO1.12.2 | Iohannes Duns Scotus | Opera Philosophica II: Quaestiones in libros perihermenias Aristotelis, Quaestiones super librum elenchorum Aristotelis, Theoremata | da |
159 | Carte | SCO1.12.3 | Iohannes Duns Scotus | Opera Philosophica III: Quaestiones super libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis I-V | da |
160 | Carte | SCO1.12.4 | Iohannes Duns Scotus | Opera Philosophica IV:Quaestiones super libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis VI-IX | da |
161 | Carte | CHI2.1 | Chindea, Gabriel | Paradoxul transcendenţei la Aristotel şi Plotin | da |
162 | Carte | ARI1.65 | Aristotel | Parva naturalia : scurte tratate de ştiinţe naturale | da |
163 | Carte | HIS1.2 | Petrus Hispanus | Peter of spain, Questiones super libro 'De animalibus' aristotelis | da |
164 | Carte | ARI1.61 | Aristotel | Petits traites d'histoire naturelle | da |
165 | Carte | SOR1.1 | Sorabji, Richard | Philoponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Science | da |
166 | Carte | ~S.29 | Aristotel | Physica | da |
167 | Carte | AL7.2 | Aristotel | Physica | da |
168 | Carte | ARI1.28 | Aristotel | Physica | da |
169 | Carte | AL18.1 | Aristoteles | Physica | da |
170 | Carte | AL18.2 | Aristoteles | Physica | da |
171 | Carte | AL19 | Aristotel | Physiognomonica | da |
172 | Carte | CHE2.1 | Dennis Des Chene | Physiologia. Natural Philosophy in Late Aristotelian and Cartesian Thought | da |
173 | Carte | SZL1.4 | Szlezak, Thomas A. | Platon und Aristoteles in der Nuslehre Plotins | da |
174 | Carte | ARI1.66 | Aristotel | Poetica | da |
175 | Carte | ARI1.36 | Aristotel | Politica | da |