601 | Carte | PEA1.1 | Peacock, John | The Look of Van Dyck : the Self-Portrait with a Sunflower and the Vision of the Painter | da |
602 | Carte | TOU3.1 | Toubert, Pierre; Moret, Pierre | Remploi, citation, plagiat : conduites et pratiques médiévales (Xe - XIIe siècle) | da |
603 | Carte | JAC1.2 | Jacquart, Danielle | La médecine médiévale dans le cadre parisien : XIVe - XVe siècle | da |
604 | Carte | SAU1.1 | Saurma-Jeltsch, Lieselotte E. | Die Miniaturen im "Liber scivias" der Hildegard von Bingen : die Wucht der Vision und die Ordnung der Bilder | da |
605 | Carte | MEI2.1 | Meier, Christel; Wagner-Egelhaaf, Martina (eds.) | Prophetie und Autorschaft : Charisma, Heilsversprechen und Gefährdung | da |
606 | Carte | GIR3.1#2 | Giraud, Cédric (ed.) | A companion to twelfth-century schools | nu |
607 | Carte | MEI3.1 | Meiroşu, Anca | Magia în literatura latină din epoca imperială timpurie (sec. I-II d. Hr.) | da |
608 | Carte | AUG1.39.1 | Augustine | City of God (Vol. I, Books 1-3) | nu |
609 | Carte | AUG1.39.2 | Augustine | City of God (Vol. II, Books 4-7) | nu |
610 | Carte | AUG1.39.3 | Augustine | City of God (Vol. III, Books 8-11) | nu |
611 | Carte | AUG1.39.4 | Augustine | City of God (Vol. IV, Books 12-15) | nu |
612 | Carte | AUG1.39.5 | Augustine | City of God (Vol. V, Books 16-18.35) | nu |
613 | Carte | AUG1.39.6 | Augustine | City of God (Vol. VI, Books 18.36-20) | nu |
614 | Carte | AUG1.39.7 | Augustine | City of God (Vol. VII, Books 21-22, General Index) | nu |
615 | Carte | ARI1.69.1 | Aristotle | Problems (Vol. I, Books 1-19) | nu |
616 | Carte | LON6.1 | Longère, Jean (ed.) | L' abbaye parisienne de Saint-Victor au Moyen Age : communications présentées au XIIIe Colloque d' Humanisme Médiéval de Paris (1986-1988) | nu |
617 | Carte | RIC4.1.1 | Richardus de Sancto Victore | L'œuvre de Richard de Saint-Victor : 1 De contemplatione : (Beniamin maior) | nu |
618 | Carte | SPI3.1 | Spijker, Ienje van 't | The multiple meaning of scripture: the role of exegesis in early-Christian and medieval culture | nu |
619 | Carte | ARI1.69.2 | Aristotle | Problems (Vol. II, Books 20-38), Rhetoric to Alexander | nu |
620 | Carte | OUY1.1.1#2 | Ouy, Gilbert | Les Manuscrits de L'Abbaye de Saint-Victor, vol. I | da |
621 | Carte | OUY1.1.2#2 | Ouy, Gilbert | Les Manuscrits de L'Abbaye de Saint-Victor, vol. II | da |
622 | Carte | AL17.2.1.2 | Aristotel | De historia animalium (VI-X) | da |
623 | Carte | PAN3.1 | Pantea, Mădălina-Gabriela | Receptarea Sf. Augustin în comentariile sentenţiare din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIV-lea | da |
624 | Carte | COM4.1 | Coman, Daniel | Anselm din Canterbury. Influenţe şi receptări în logica şi teologia medievală cu un studiu de caz pe comentariile sentenţiare din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIV-lea | da |
625 | Carte | HIL3.2.1 | Hildegard din Bingen | Scivias (I-II) | da |
626 | Carte | SCRI0.1 | *** | Scriptorium (Index I-XXX) | da |
627 | Carte | HEM1.1 | De Hemptinne, Thérèse; Fraeters, Veerle; Góngora, Mariá Eugenia (eds.) | Speaking to the eye: sight and insight through text and image (1150-1650) | da |
628 | Carte | COW1.1 | Cowling, David; Bruun, Mette B. (eds.) | Commonplace culture in western Europe in the early modern period, 1: Reformation, Counter-Reformation and revolt | nu |
629 | Carte | OCK1.8.1 | Guillelmus de Ockham | Dialogus : Part 1, books 1-5 | nu |
630 | Carte | RIC4.2 | Richard de Saint-Victor; Ives de Sancto Victore | Epître à Séverin sur la charité/Les quatre degrés de la violente charité | nu |
631 | Carte | POS2.1 | Posa, Carmel | A not-so-unexciting life: essays on Benedictine history and spirituality in honor of Michael Casey, OCSO | da |
632 | Carte | OBE1.1 | Obermeier, Anita | The history and anatomy of auctorial self-criticism in the European Middle Ages | nu |
633 | Carte | BLA4.2 | Blair, Ann; Duguid, Paul; Goeing, Anja-Silvia; Grafton, Anthony (eds.) | Information: a historical companion | nu |
634 | Carte | QUN1.1#2 | Qunawi, Sadr al-Din; Tusi, Nasir al-Din | Il calamo dell'esistenza. La corrispondenza epistolare tra Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī e Naṣīr al‐Dīn al‐Ṭūsī | da |
635 | Carte | BRUO2.2 | Figorilli, Maria Cristina | Per una bibliografia di Giordano Bruno: (1800 - 1999) | da |
636 | Carte | FIC1.2.2 | Ficinus, Marsilius | Theologia platonica de immortalitate animorum (V - VIII) | da |
637 | Carte | FIC1.2.4 | Ficinus, Marsilius | Theologia platonica de immortalitate animorum (XII - XIV) | da |
638 | Carte | FIC1.2.6 | Ficinus, Marsilius | Theologia platonica de immortalitate animorum (XVII - XVIII) | da |
639 | Carte | FIL2.1 | Filip, Oana - Corina | John of Salisbury’s Politics of Reason | da |
640 | Carte | COU4.2 | Counet, Jean-Michel (ed.) | A Question of Life and Death. Living and Dying in Medieval Philosophy | da |
641 | Carte | BRE4.2 | Brenet, Jean-Baptiste; Lizzini, Olga Lucia (eds.) | La philosophie arabe à l'étude : sens, limites et défis d'une discipline moderne/Studying Arabic philosophy : meanings, limits and challenges of a modern disciplin | nu |
642 | Carte | BRI2.3 | Brînzei, Monica; Schabel, Cristopher (eds.) | Philosophical psychology in late-medieval commentaries on Peter Lombard's Sentences | da |
643 | Carte | MAN6.1 | Manekin, Charles H. | The Logic of Gersonides. A Translation of Sefer ha-Heqqesh ha-Yashar (the Book of the correct syllogism) of Rabbi Levi ben Gershom | da |
644 | Carte | CAL2.4 | Calma, Dragos; Coccia, Emanuele (eds.) | Les sectatores Averrois. Noetique et cosmologie aux XIIIe-XIVe siecles | da |
645 | Carte | WEI1.12.9 | Weijers, Olga; Calma B., Monica | Le travail intellectuel à la Faculté des arts de Paris: Répertoire des noms commençant par S-Z | da |
646 | Carte | EBB2.1.3 | Ebbesen, Sten | Greek-Latin philosophical interaction | da |
647 | Carte | REI1.1 | Reist, Thomas, Saint Bonaventure | Saint Bonaventure as a Biblical Commentator. A translation and Analysis of his Commentary on Luke, XVIII, 34-XIX, 42 | da |
648 | Carte | BOE2.3 | Boethius Dacus | Topica-Opuscula vol. VI, pars II | da |
649 | Carte | BUR8.1 | Burillo, Rosa M. Diaz | El Bellum civile de Lucano: Tradicion incunable y postincunable (1469-1520) | da |
650 | Carte | GRO3.2 | Grondeux, A.; Rosier-Catach, I (eds.) | La Sophistria de Robertus Anglicus: étude et édition critique | da |