
Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
4146ArticolX-vel1.1Veldhuijsen, P. vanRichard of Middleton contra Thomas Aquinas on the questions whether the created world could have been eternally produced by Godda
4147ArticolX-ven1.1Joachim VennebuschTheologische Disputationen an der Universitat Koln (1421-1428)da
4148ArticolX-ver1.1#1 Verbeke, Gerard Les progres de l'Aristotel latin: Le cas du De Animada
4149ArticolX-ver1.1#2 Verbeke, Gerard Les progres de l'Aristotel latin: Le cas du De Animada
4150ArticolX-ver2.1 Verger, JaquesDoctor, doctoratusda
4151ArticolX-vig1.1Vignaux, P."Nicolas d'Autrecourt"da
4152ArticolX-vig1.2 Vignaux, PaulLa methode de Saint Anselme dans le Monologion et le Proslogionda
4153ArticolX-vig1.3Vignaux, PaulStructure et sens du monologionda
4154Articolx-vla1.1 Vlastos, GregoryElenchus and Mathematics: A Turning-Point in Plato's Philosophical Developmentda
4155Articolx-vla1.2 Vlastos, Gregory "Self-Predication" in Plato's Latter Periodda