
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
1CarteCOP2.2Copleston, FrederickA History of Philosophy. Vol. II: Augustine to Scotusda
2CarteHUI1.1Huian, Georgiana Augustin : le coeur et la crise du sujetda
3CarteCRU1.1Cruceru, Marius DavidAugustin, un amator ... Studiu asupra terminologiei filosofico-teologice de influenta greceasca in tratatele teologice tirzii ale lui augustinda
4CarteBRO2.4Brown, PeterAugustine of Hippo : a biographyda
5CarteFIT1.1Fitzgerald, Allan D. (ed.)Augustine through the ages: an encyclopedianu
6Articolx-hol1Toivo J. Holopainen Augustine, Berengar and Anselm on the Role of Reason in Theologyda
7ArticolX-sch5.6Schabel C. si Courtenay W. J.Augustinian Quodlibeta after Giles of Romeda
8CarteSAA2.1.1Saak, Eric Leland Augustinian theology in the later Middle Ages (vol. 1)da
9CarteSCI1.1Sciacca, Michele FedericoAugustinusda
10CarteAUG1.37.1AugustinAusgewählte Briefe (I-II)da
11CarteAUG1.37.2AugustinAusgewählte Briefe (III-IV)da
12CarteAUG1.36AugustinAusgewählte Praktische Schriften/Homiletischen und Katechetischen Inhaltsda
13CarteKIT1.1#2Kitanov, Severin ValentinovBeatific Enjoyment in Medieval Scholastic Debates. The Complex Legacy of Saint Augustine and Peter Lombardda
14CarteKIT1.1#1Kitanov, Severin ValentinovBeatific Enjoyment in Medieval Scholastic Debates. The Complex Legacy of Saint Augustine and Peter Lombardda
16ArticolX-wal1.1Wald LuciaCe este augustinian " De grammatica" a lui Aurelius Augustinusda
17CarteAUG1.39.1AugustineCity of God (Vol. I, Books 1-3)nu
18CarteAUG1.39.2AugustineCity of God (Vol. II, Books 4-7)nu
19CarteAUG1.39.3AugustineCity of God (Vol. III, Books 8-11)nu
20CarteAUG1.39.4AugustineCity of God (Vol. IV, Books 12-15)nu
21CarteAUG1.39.5AugustineCity of God (Vol. V, Books 16-18.35)nu
22CarteAUG1.39.6AugustineCity of God (Vol. VI, Books 18.36-20)nu
23CarteAUG1.39.7AugustineCity of God (Vol. VII, Books 21-22, General Index)nu
24CarteAUG1.16AugustinConfessionum Libri XIIIda
25CarteAUG1.14AugustinContra academicos. De beata vita. De ordine. De magistro. De libero arbitrioda
26CarteAUG1.32AugustinContra adversarium legis et prophetarum. Commonitorium Orosii et Sancti Aurelii Augustini contra Priscillianistas et Origenistasda
27CarteAUG1.8AugustinDe beata vita / Uber das Glueckda
28CarteAUG1.38AugustinDe civitate deida
29CarteAUG1.15.1AugustinDe civitate Dei libri I-Xda
30CarteAUG1.15.2AugustinDe civitate Dei libri XI-XXIIda
31CarteAUG1.13AugustinDe diversis quaestionibus ad Simplicianumda
32CarteAUG1.5AugustinDe doctrina christiana, De vera religioneda
33CarteAUG1.29AugustinDe fide rerum invisibilium; Enchiridion ad Laurentium de fide et spe et caritate; De catechizandis rudibus; Sermo ad catechumenos de symbolo; Sermo de disciplina christiana; Sermo de utilitate ieiunii; Sermo de excidio urbis Romae; De haeresibusda
34CarteAUG1.2AugustinDe libero arbitrioda
35CarteAUG1.20AugustinDe sermone Domini in monte libros duos, ed. A. Mutzenbecherda
36CarteAUG1.10AugustinDe trinitate (La Trinite livres I-VII)da
37CarteAUG1.11AugustinDe trinitate (La Trinite livres VIII-XV)da
38CarteAUG1.4.1AugustinDe trinitate, I-XIIda
39CarteAUG1.4.2AugustinDe trinitate, XIII-XVda
40CarteAUG1.9AugustinDe vera religione / Uber die wahre Religionda
41CarteAUG1.7AugustinDespre adevarata religienu
42CarteARI1.32Aristotel; Plotin; Augustin; Ioan Filopon; Alkindi; Avicenna; Avencebrol; Averroes; Algazel; Albert cel Mare; Toma din Aquino; Siger din Brabant; Boetius din Dacia; Henri din GandDespre eternitatea lumiida
43CarteARI1.33Aristotel; Plotin; Augustin; Ioan Filopon; Alkindi; Avicenna; Avencebrol; Averroes; Algazel; Albert cel Mare; Toma din Aquino; Siger din Brabant; Boetius din Dacia; Henri din GandDespre eternitatea lumiida
44CarteAUG1.22AugustinDespre minciunăda
45CarteAUG1.1AugustinDespre natura Bineluinu
46CarteAUG1.40AugustinDespre Treimenu
47CarteAUG1.6AugustinDialogues philosophiques, L'ordreda
48CarteAUG1.17.3AugustinEnarrationes in Psalmos CI-CLda
49CarteAUG1.17.1AugustinEnarrationes in Psalmos I-Lda
50CarteAUG1.17.2AugustinEnarrationes in Psalmos LI-Cda