4186 | Carte | FID1.1 | Fidora, Alexander (ed.) | Vom Einen zum Vielen | da |
4187 | Carte | FID1.4 | Fidora, Alexander; Niederberger, Andreas (eds.) | Von Bagdad nach Toledo. Liber de causisdas "Buch der Ursachen" und seine Rezeption im Mittelalter | da |
4188 | Carte | LAC2.1 | Lactantius | Von den Todesarten der Verfolger et al. | da |
4189 | Articol | X-gor1.1 | Goris, Wouter ; Pickave, Martin | Von der Erkenntnis der Engel. Der Streit um die species intelligibiles und eine quaestio aus dem anonymen Sentenzkommentar in ms. Brugge, Stadsbiblioteek 491 | da |
4190 | Carte | HDK1 | Baus, Karl | Von der Urgemeinde zur fruhchristlichen Grosskirche | da |
4191 | Carte | AUG1.34.1 | Augustin | Vorträge über das Evangelium des Hl. Johannes (1-23) | da |
4192 | Carte | AUG1.34.2 | Augustinus | Vorträge über das Evangelium des Hl. Johannes (24-54) | da |
4193 | Carte | AUG1.34.3 | Augustin | Vorträge über das Evangelium des Hl. Johannes (55-124) | da |
4194 | Articol | x-sha1.1 | Shapiro , H. | Walter Burley's De Toto et Parte | da |
4195 | Carte | SAA1.1 | Saarinen, Risto | Weakness of the will in medieval thought | nu |
4196 | Articol | X-koc1.1 | Kochin, Michael | Weeds: Cultivating the imagination in Medieval Arabic political philosophy | da |
4197 | Carte | MAI1.1 | Moses Maimonides | Wegweiser für die Verwirrten | da |
4198 | Carte | SCH9.1 | Schlette, Heinz Robert | Weltseele, Geschichte und Hermeneutik | da |
4199 | Articol | x-pop1.1 | Popper, Karl R. | What is Dialectic? | da |
4200 | Articol | X-aer1.1 | Aertsen, Jan A. | What is First and Most Fundamental? The Beginnings of Transcendental Philosophy | da |
4201 | Carte | AER1.1 | Aertsen, Jan (Ed.) | What is Philosophy in the Middle Ages? | da |
4202 | Articol | X-thi1.1 | Thijssen, J. M. M. H. | What Really Happened On 7 March 1277? Bishop Tempier's Condemnation And Its Institutional Context Advanced Search What Really Happened On 7 March 1277? Bishop Tempier's Condemnation And Its Institutional Context | da |
4203 | Articol | x-wis1.1 | Wisdom, J.O. | Why Achilles does not Fail to Catch the Tortoise | da |
4204 | Carte | MOR5.1 | Morris, Ian | Why the West rules - for now: the patterns of history and what they reveal about the future | da |
4205 | Carte | HIP1.1 | Hippolytus von Rom | Widerlegung aller haresien | da |
4206 | Carte | ADA1.1.1 | Marilyn McCord Adams | William Ockham (vol. I) | da |
4207 | Carte | ADA1.1.2 | Marilyn McCord Adams | William Ockham (vol. II) | da |
4208 | Carte | LEF3.1 | Lefkowitz, Mary R. | Women in Greek myth | da |
4209 | Carte | BRU6.1 | Brulé, Pierre | Women of Ancient Greece | da |
4210 | Carte | GRE5.2 | Green, Monica H. | Women's Healthcare in the Medieval West | da |