4121 | Articol | X-swi1.1 | Swiezawski, St. | Les intentions premieres et les intentions secondes chez Jean Duns Scot | da |
4122 | Articol | X-tam1.1 | Tambrun, Brigitte | Byzance,Platon et les platoniciens | nu |
4123 | Articol | X-tar1.1 | Tartler Margareta | Utopia insingurarii in Evul Mediu arab | da |
4124 | Articol | X-tat1.1 | Tătaru-Cazaban, Bogdan | Coloratio Anselmi. Trei lecturi franciscane ale "argumentului ontologic" | da |
4125 | Articol | X-tat1.2 | Tătaru-Cazaban, Bogdan | Individualitate și infinit la Nicolaus Cusanus | da |
4126 | Articol | x-tat2.1 | Tate, J. | Socrates an the Myths | da |
4127 | Articol | X-tay1.1 | Taylor, Richard C. | St. Thomas and the Liber de Causis on the hylomorphic composition of separate substances | da |
4128 | Articol | X-tay1.2 | Taylor, Richard C. | Aquinas, the Plotiniana Arabica, and the Metaphysics of Being and Actuality | da |
4129 | Articol | x-tew1 | Gotz-Rudiger Tewes | Die papstliche Kurie und die Lehre an der Pariser Universitat im 13. Jahrhundert | da |
4130 | Articol | x-the1.1 | Thery, Gabriel | Alexandre d' Aphrodise | da |