316 | Carte | LAN3.1#2 | Lang, Helen S. | Aristotle's Physics and its medieval varieties | da |
317 | Carte | LEE2.2 | Pieter de Leemans (ed.) | Aristotle's Problemata in different Times and Tongues | da |
318 | Articol | x-ein1.1 | Einarson, Benedict | Aristotle's Protrepticus and the Structure of the Epinomis | da |
319 | Articol | x-ros2.1 | Rose, Lynn E. | Aristotle's Syllogistic and the Fourth Figure | da |
320 | Carte | GRA6.2 | Graham, W. Daniel | Aristotle's two systems | da |
321 | Articol | x-mol1.1 | Moline, Jon | Aristotle, Eubulides and the Sorites | da |
322 | Articol | x-bar1.1 | Barnes, Jonathan | Aristotle, Menaechmus, and Circular Proof | da |
323 | Carte | JAE1.1 | Jaeger, Werner | Aristotle.Fundamentals of the history of his Development | nu |
324 | Carte | ARN4.1 | Arnaldus de Villanova, Michael R. McVaugh (ed.) | Arnaldi de Villanova Opera medica omnia, v. 2, Tractatus de humido radicali | da |
325 | Carte | LUL1.2 | Raimundus Lullus | Ars brevis | da |
326 | Carte | ARI1.13 | Aristotel | Ars Rhetorica | da |
327 | Carte | ANA1.1 | Anaximene | Ars Rhetorica | da |
328 | Carte | VIC1.1 | Caius Iulius Victor | Ars Rhetorica | da |
329 | Carte | PEL2.1 | Pelagonius | Ars veterinaria | da |
330 | Carte | RAC1.2 | Rachiteanu, Eugen | Arta şi estetica franciscană în secolele XIII-XIV | da |
331 | Carte | ROS2.2 | Rosier-Catach, Irène | Arts du langage et théologie aux confins des XIe-XIIe siècles | da |
332 | Carte | JOL1.2 | Jolivet, Jean | Arts du langage et théologie chez Abélard | da |
333 | Carte | ART1.1 | | Arts Liberaux et Philosophie au Moyen Age | da |
334 | Carte | MEI1.6 | Meirinhos, José; Oliveira e Silva, Paula (org.) | As Disputaçoes Metafisicas de Francisco Suárez | da |
335 | Carte | SOU1.1 | de Souza, José Antonio de C. R. (org.) | As Relaçoes de Poder: do Cisma do Ocidente a Nicolau de Cusa | da |
336 | Articol | X-jol1.13 | Jolivet, Jean | Aspects de la pense medievale: Abelard. Doctrines du langage | da |
337 | Carte | INW1.2 | Inwood, Brad (ed.) | Assent and argument | da |
338 | Articol | X-alv1.1 | Alverny, Marie-Thérèse D' | Astrologues et Theologiens au XII Siecle | da |
339 | Carte | KEN2.1 | Kennedy, Edward S. | Astronomy and astrology in the Medieval Islamic world | da |
340 | Articol | X-mic2.1 | Michou, Cyrille | Asymetries: Thomas d'Aquin et Guillaume d'Occam precurseurs de Frege | da |