121 | Articol | x-fei1.1 | Feibleman, James K. | The Therapy of the Dialectic | da |
122 | Articol | x-fei1.2 | Feibleman, James K. | On the Topics and Definitions of the Categories | da |
123 | Carte | FER2.1 | Ferencz-Flatz, Christian; Paul Marinescu (ed.) | Timp, memorie si traditie | da |
124 | Articol | X-fer1.1 | Ferge, Gabor | Emendations to the Reinterpretation of Aristotle's Idea of To Ti Hn Einai | da |
125 | Carte | FES1.1 | FESTUGIERE, A. J. | LES TROIS "PROTREPTIQUES" DE PLATON. Euthydeme, Phedon, Epinomis | da |
126 | Carte | FID1.3 | Fidora, Alexander; Polloni, Nicola (ed.) | Appropriation, Interpretation and Criticism: Philosophical and Theological exchanges between the Arabic, Hebrew and Latin Intellectual Traditions | da |
127 | Carte | FLA1.5 | Flasch, Kurt | D'Averroes a Maitre Eckhart. Les sources arabes de la "mystique" allemande | da |
128 | Articol | X-flo1.1 | Floucat, Yves | L'etre de Dieu et l'onto-theo-logie, De l'extrase plotinienne au Denken heideggerien | da |
129 | Articol | x-fra1.1 | Frankel, Hermann | Zeno of Elea's Attacks on Plurality | da |
130 | Carte | GAG1.1 | Gage, Jean | "Basileia". Les Cesars, les Rois d'Orient et les Mages | da |