
Nr. TipCotaAutorTitluDisponibil
426CarteCUS1.1.16.2Nicolaus CusanusOpera omnia: Sermones I (1430-1441), fasciculus II: sermones V-Xda
427CarteCUS1.1.17Nicolaus CusanusOpera omnia: Sermones II (1443-1452) indicesda
428CarteGAU5.1C. Gaullier-Bougassas, Margaret Bridges, J. Y. Tiliette (eds.)Trajectoires Europeennes du Secretum secretorum du Ps. Aristote (XIII-XVI siecle)da
429CarteVAN4.1Vannier, Marie-Anne Saint Augustin. La conversion en acteda
430CartePUI1.1Puig Montada, Jose Maimonides - Esencialda
431CarteRAD1.1Radosav, Doru Cartea cu prieteni, Solidarităţi intelectuale interetnice în Transilvania secolului al XVII-leada
432CarteKAN2.1Kandler, K.-H.; Mojsisch, B.; Stammkotter, F.-B.Dietrich von Freiberg. Neue Perspektiven seiner Philosophie, Theologie und Naturwissenschaftda
433CarteAXI1.1Madeea AxinciucDespre ierarhiile divine. Fascinaţia Unului şi lumile noi - temeiurile pentru pacea religiilorda
434CarteDEC1.1-Decretales Gregorii P. IX, Liber sextus Decretalium Bonifacii P. VIII, Clementis P. V Constitutiones, Extravagantes tum viginti Ioannis P. XXII tum Communesda
435CarteTOR1.1Torell, Jean-Pierre O.P.Initiation a Saint Thomas d'Aquin, Sa personne et son oeuvreda
436CarteLEE2.3Pieter de Leemans (ed.)Between Text and Tradition. Pietro d'Abano and the Reception of Pseudo-Aristotle's Problemata Physica in the Middle Agesda
437CarteHEI3.1Heinrich von LübeckQuodlibet I, I,1-3da
438CarteBER2.8Bertoldo di MoosburgExpositio super elementationem theologicam Procli, 184-211da
439CarteBER2.5#2Berthold von MoosburgExpositio super elementationem theologicam Procli 108-135da
440CarteHDK3.2Beck, Hans-GeorgDie mittelalterliche Kircheda
441CarteAUG1.33.1AugustinGottesstaat (I-VIII)da
442CarteAUG1.33.2AugustinGottesstaat (IX-XVI)da
443CarteAUG1.33.3AugustinGottesstaat (XVII-XXII)da
444CarteAUG1.34.1AugustinVorträge über das Evangelium des Hl. Johannes (1-23)da
445CarteAUG1.34.2AugustinusVorträge über das Evangelium des Hl. Johannes (24-54)da
446CarteAUG1.34.3AugustinVorträge über das Evangelium des Hl. Johannes (55-124)da
447CarteAUG1.37.1AugustinAusgewählte Briefe (I-II)da
448CarteAUG1.37.2AugustinAusgewählte Briefe (III-IV)da
449CarteCHA4.1.1Walter ChattonReportatio super Sententias, Liber I, dist. 1-9da
450CarteCHA4.2.1Walter ChattonLectura super Sententias, Liber I, dist. 1-2da
451CarteCHA4.2.2Walter ChattonLectura super Sententias, Liber I, dist. 3-7da
452CarteCHA4.2.3Walter ChattonLectura super Sententias, Liber I, dist. 8-17da
453CarteTOU2.1Toussaint, S.; Trottmann, C. (eds.)Le Pseudo-Denys a la Renaissance. Actes du colloque Tours, 27-29 mai 2010da
454CarteMAR10.1.2Marsilius of InghenQuaestiones super quattuor Sententiarum, vol. 2: Super primum, quaestiones 8-21da
455CarteABB1.1Nicola AbbagnanoStoria della FIlosofia, II - La filosofia medioevaleda
456CarteSAL2.4Johannes SaresberiensisPolicraticus, I-IVda
457CarteBIB2.1.7-Biblia Sacra Vulgata, vol. VII (Evangheliile, Faptele Apostolilor)da
458CarteSTR3.1Straus, Jean-Paul (ed.)Sigebert de Gemblouxda
459CarteStPh.S/2016Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Philosophia. Special Issue/2016da
460CarteSEA1.1Seaford, Richard Reciprocity an Ritual. Homer and Tragedy in the Developing City-Stateda
461CarteRAC1.2Rachiteanu, Eugen Arta şi estetica franciscană în secolele XIII-XIVda
462CarteSTO1.1 Stockerl, O.F.M. J. (ed.)General Register zu Band 1-61 der Bibliothek der Kirchenvater da
463CarteNAZ1.1Gregor von NazianzReden 1-20da
464CarteLEO2.1.2Leo des GrossenSamtliche Sermonen (39-96)da
465CarteLEO2.1.1Leo des GrossenSamtliche Sermonen (1-38)da
466CarteIRI1.1.1IrenausFunf bucher gegen die haresien (I-III)da
467CarteORI1.3.2.2OrigenesAcht bucher gegen Celsus, band II, teil II, buch V-VIIIda
468CarteIRI1.1.2IrenausFunf bucher gegen die haresien (IV-V)da
469CarteORI1.3.2.1OrigenesAcht bucher gegen Celsus, band II, teil I, buch I-IVda
470CarteHES2.1Benedict Hesse (de Cracovia)Lectura super Evangelium Matthaei (cap. 14-17)da
471CarteSUA2.1Suarez-Nani, Tiziana; Ribordy, Olivier; Petagine, Antonio Lieu, espace, mouvement: Physique, Metaphysique, Cosmologie (XII-XVI siecles). Actes du colloque international Universite de Fribourg Suisse, 12-14 mars 2015da
472CarteZIC1.1#1Zickermann, Kathrin Across the German Sea. Early Modern Scottish Connections with the Wider Elbe-Weser Regionda
473CarteORA1.1Oram, Richard D. The reign of Alexander II, 1214-49da
474CartePAP2.1Papacostea, Cezar Evolutia Gandirii la Greci: Stefan Zeletin- viata si opera luida
475CarteVAL3.1Lorenzo VallaDialogue sur le libre-arbitreda
476CarteHYB1.1Nils Hybel; Bjorn PoulsenThe Danish Resources C. 1000-1550. Growth and Recessionda
477CarteMAC5.1MacCoinnich, Aonghas Plantation and civility in the North Atlantic world: the case of the northern Hebrides, 1570 - 1639da
478CarteTAR1.1 Tartler, GreteUmor şi satiră în literatura arabă clasică. al-Ğāḥiẓ, al-Hamaḏānī, al-Ḥarīrī. Antologieda
479CarteOUY1.1.1Gilbert OuyLes Manuscrits de L'Abbaye de Saint-Victor, vol. Ida
480CarteOUY1.1.2Gilbert OuyLes Manuscrits de L'Abbaye de Saint-Victor, vol. IIda
481CarteLAG1.1.1Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.)Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Philosophy Between 500 and 1500. Vol. 1 A-Lda
482CarteLAG1.1.2Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.)Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Philosophy Between 500 and 1500. Vol. 2 M-Zda
483CarteGRE3.1.6Gregorius AriminensisLectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus VI Super Secundum (Dist 24-44)da
484CarteGRE3.1.5Gregorius AriminensisLectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus V Super Secundum (Dist 6-18)da
485CarteGRE3.1.4Gregorius AriminensisLectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus IV Super Secundum (Dist 1-5)da
486CarteHOM1.4.1HomerOdyssey, 1-12da
487CarteHOM1.4.2HomerOdyssey, 13-14da
488CarteLID1.1H. G. Lidell and R. ScottGreek-English Lexicon, with a Revised Supplementda
489CarteHOM1.9.3A. Heubeck, M. Fernandez-Galiano, J. RussoA Commentary on Homer's Odyssey, vol. IIInu
490CarteHOM1.8.1G. S. KirkThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. I (Books 1-4)da
491CarteHOM1.8.2G. S. KirkThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. II (Books 5-8)nu
492CarteHOM1.8.3B. HainsworthThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. III (Books 9-12)da
493CarteHOM1.8.4R. JankoThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. IV (Books 13-16)da
494CarteHOM1.8.5M. W. EdwardsThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. V (Books 17-20)da
495CarteHOM1.8.6N. RichardsonThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. VI (Books 21-24)da
496CarteHOM1.6.6HomerOdyssey (Books 6-8)da
497CarteHOM1.6.13HomerOdyssey (books 13-14)da
498CarteHOM1.6.17HomerOdyssey (books 17-18)da
499CarteARI1.21.1AristotelNicomachean Ethics, II-IVda
500CarteARI1.21.2AristotelNicomachean Ethics, VIII-IXda
501CarteARI1.22.1AristotelPolitics I-IIda
502CarteARI1.22.2AristotelPolitics III-IVda
503CarteARI1.22.3AristotelPolitics V-VIda
504CarteARI1.22.4AristotelPolitics VII-VIIIda
505CarteELL1.1K. Elliger; W. Rudolph (eds.) et al.[Torah, Neviʾim u-Khetuvim]. Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensianu
506CarteHOF1.2Hofmeister-Pich, R., Culleton, A. S. (eds.) Scolastica colonialis, Reception and Development of Baroque Scholasticism in Latin America, 16/18 Centuriesda
507CarteJAC1.1Jacquart, Danielle (ed.)Recherches medievales sur la nature humaine. Essais sur la reflexion medicale (XIIe-XVe s.)da
508CarteOGL1.1Ogliari, D. Gratia et certamen. The Relationship between Grace and Free Will in the Discussion of Augustine with the so-called Semipelagiansnu
509CartePOR1.3Porro, PasqualeTommasso d'Aquino. Un profilo storico-filosoficoda
510CarteHAN1.1Hand, Joni M.Women, Manuscripts and Identity in Northern Europe, 1350 - 1550da
511CarteDUB2.1Duba, William O.The Forge of Doctrine. The Academic Year 1330-31 and the Rise of Scotism at the University of Paris da
512CarteGRE5.1Green, Monica H.Making Women's Medicine Masculine. The Rise of Male Authority in Pe-Modern Gynaecology.da
513CarteGRA2.3Gracia, Jorge J. E. (ed.)Individuation in Later Scholasticism and Counter-Reformation. 1150-1650da
514CarteSIL3.1Silver, Daniel Maimonidean Criticism and the Maimonidean Controversy, 1180 - 1240nu
515CarteARI1.23Pseudo-AristotelSecretul secretelorda
516CarteARI1.24.1AristotlePhysics, I-IVda
517CarteARI1.24.2AristotlePhysics, V-VIIIda
518CarteURS1.1Urs, OtiliaCatalogul Cărții românești vechi din Biblioteca Academiei Române filiala Cluj-Napocada
519CarteMOR4.1Mora-Marquez, Ana María The Thirteenth-Century Notion of Signification. The Discussions and their Origin and Developmentda
520CarteNUC1.2Nuchelmans, GabrielLate-Scholastic and Humanist Theories of Proposition nu
521CarteREA2.1Jean de ReadingScriptum in primum librum sententiarum. Distinctio 1, Quaestiones 1-6da
522CarteALBC29.1Albert cel MareOpera omnia ( Super I Librum Sententiarum : Distinctiones 1-3)da
523CarteCOU5.4Courtenay, William J.; Goddard, Eric D. (eds.)Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume III: 1378-1394, Part twoda
524CarteRTPMB9Andreas Speer; Fiorella Retucci; Thomas Jeschke; Guy Guldentops (eds.)Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales. Bibliotheca vol. 9 (Durand of Saint-Pourçain and his "Sentences" commentary)da
525CarteMCG3.1 McGinn, BernardApocalyptic Spirituality: Treatises and Letters of Lactantius, Adso of Montier-en-Der, Joachim of Fiore, the Franciscan Spirituals, Savonarolada