201 | Carte | DIO6.1.1 | Diogenes Laertius | Lives of eminent philosophers. Books 1-5 | da |
202 | Carte | DIO6.1.2 | Diogenes Laertius | Lives of eminent philosophers. Books 6-10 | da |
203 | Carte | DRA1.1 | Draelants, I.; Balouzat-Loubet, C. (eds.) | La formule au Moyen Age, II, (Formulas in Medieval Culture, II) | da |
204 | Carte | DUB1.1 | Dubel, Sandrine; Favreau-Linder, Anne-Marie; Oudot, Estelle | A l'Ecole d'Homere: la culture des orateurs et des sophistes | da |
205 | Carte | DUB2.1 | Duba, William O. | The Forge of Doctrine. The Academic Year 1330-31 and the Rise of Scotism at the University of Paris | da |
206 | Carte | DUC1.1 | Ducos, Joelle; Giacomotto-Chiarra, Violaine (dir.) | Lire Aristote au Moyen Age et à la Renaissance | da |
207 | Carte | EBB2.1.1 | Ebbesen, Sten; Goubier, Frédéric (eds.) | A catalogue of 13th-century sophismata: 1. Indroduction and indices | nu |
208 | Carte | EBB2.1.2 | Ebbesen, Sten; Goubier, Frédéric (eds.) | A catalogue of 13th-century sophismata: 2. Catalogue | nu |
209 | Carte | EBB2.1.3 | Ebbesen, Sten | Greek-Latin philosophical interaction | da |
210 | Carte | ELL1.1 | K. Elliger; W. Rudolph (eds.) et al. | [Torah, Neviʾim u-Khetuvim]. Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia | nu |
211 | Carte | ELR1.1 | El-Rouayheb, Khaled | The development of Arabic logic (1200-1800) | da |
212 | Carte | EMI1.1 | Emilsson, Eyjolfur Kjalar | Plotinus on Sense-Perception: A Philosophical Study | da |
213 | Carte | ERL1.1 | Erler, Michael; Brisson, Luc (eds.) | Gorgias-Menon | da |
214 | Carte | EUC1.3.1 | Euclides | Elementa, I-IV | da |
215 | Carte | EUC1.3.2 | Euclides | Elementa, V-IX | da |
216 | Carte | EUC1.3.4 | Euclides | Elementa, XI-XIII | da |
217 | Carte | EUC1.3.5.1 | Euclides | Elementa, XIV-XV | da |
218 | Carte | FER2.1 | Ferencz-Flatz, Christian; Paul Marinescu (ed.) | Timp, memorie si traditie | da |
219 | Carte | FIC1.2.2 | Ficinus, Marsilius | Theologia platonica de immortalitate animorum (V - VIII) | da |
220 | Carte | FIC1.2.4 | Ficinus, Marsilius | Theologia platonica de immortalitate animorum (XII - XIV) | da |
221 | Carte | FIC1.2.6 | Ficinus, Marsilius | Theologia platonica de immortalitate animorum (XVII - XVIII) | da |
222 | Carte | FIL1.1 | Fillion-Lahille, Jeanine | Le De Ira de Sénèque et la philosophie stoïcienne des passions | da |
223 | Carte | FIL2.1 | Filip, Oana - Corina | John of Salisbury’s Politics of Reason | da |
224 | Carte | FIO1.1 | Fiorentino, Francesco (ed.) | Lo scotismo nel mezzogiorno d'Italia. Atti del Congresso Internazionale (Bitonto 25-28 marzo 2008) | da |
225 | Carte | FIS1.1 | Fishacre, Richard | In Tertium Librum Sententiarum Teil 2: Dist. 23-40 | da |