
Nr.TipCota AutorTitluDisponibil
3861ArticolX-kal1.4Kaluza, ZenonTrois listes des oeuvres de Heimeric de Campo dans le "Catalogue du couvent rouge" ("Rouge Cloitre")da
3862ArticolX-kal1.5Kaluza, ZenonUn manuel de théologie en usage a l`Université de Cracovie : le commentaire des Sentences dit Utrum Deus gloriosusda
3863ArticolX-kan1.1Kandler, Karl-HermannDietrich von Freiberg und die arabische Philosophieda
3864ArticolX-kar1.1Karofsky, Amy D.Suarez' Doctrine of Eternal Truthsda
3865Articolx-kat1.1Kattsof, L. Concerning yhe Validity of Aristotelian Logicda
3866ArticolX-kel1.1Kelly, CharlesCircularity and Amphiboly in some Anselmian Ontological Proofs: A syllogistic inquiryda
3867Articolx-ken1.1Kennedy, George A. KThe Earliest Rhetorical Handbooksda
3868Articolx-ken1.2 Kennedy, George A. KThe Ancient Dispute over Rhetorique in Homerda
3869Articolx-keo1.1 McKeon, RichardThomas Aquinas' Doctrine of Knowledge and Its Historical Settingda
3870Articolx-keo1.2McKeon, Richard Dialogue and Controversy in Philosophyda
3871Articolx-ker1.1Kerferd, G.B. Plato's Noble Art of Sophistryda
3872Articolx-ker1.2Kerferd, G.B. The First Greek Sophistsda
3873ArticolX-keu1.1Keussen, Hermann Die matrikel der Universitat Koln. 1389 bis 1559; erster band 1389-1466, erste halfteda
3874ArticolX-keu1.2 Keussen, HermannUngedruchte Quellen zur Geschichte der Universitat Koln aus der Zeit des großen Schismas und der Reformkonzilien 1395-1448da
3875Articolx-kin1.1 Kinney, Laurence F.Hypothesis and Dialecticda
3876Articolx-kin2.1McKinney, Ronald H.The Origins of Modern DIalecticsda
3877Articolx-kin3.1King, Hugh R. Aristotle and the Paradoxes of Zenoda
3878Articolx-kir1.1 Kirk, G.S.Sense and Common-Sense in the Development of Greek Philosphyda
3879Articolx-kir2.1Kirwan, Christopher Aristotle and the So-called Fallacy of Equivocationda
3880ArticolX-kli1.1Klibansky, RaymondThe Platonic traditionda
3881ArticolX-kli1.2Klibansky, RaymondPlato's Parmenides in the Middle Ages and the Renaissanceda
3882ArticolX-kli2.1Klima, GyulaAncilla theologiae vs. domina philosophorum. Thomas Aquinas, Latin Averroism and the Autonomy of Philosophyda
3883Articolx-klo1.1 Klosko, GeorgePlato and the Morality of Fallacyda
3884Articolx-klo1.2 Klosko, George The Insufficiency of Reason in Plato's Gorgiasda
3885Articolx-klo1.3 Klosko, GeorgeThe Refutation of Callicles in Plato's 'Gorgias"da