
Nr.TipCotaAutor TitluDisponibil
1126CarteARI1.33Aristotel; Plotin; Augustin; Ioan Filopon; Alkindi; Avicenna; Avencebrol; Averroes; Algazel; Albert cel Mare; Toma din Aquino; Siger din Brabant; Boetius din Dacia; Henri din GandDespre eternitatea lumiida
1127CarteARI1.40.2Aristotel; Ross, W.D.Aristotle's Metaphysics, vol. IIda
1128CarteARI1.40.1Aristotel; Ross, W.D.Aristotle's Metaphysics, vol. Ida
1131CarteARI1.67.3AristotelesDe animalibus, vol. 3: Books XV - XIX: Generation of animalsda
1132CarteARI1.24.1AristotlePhysics, I-IVda
1133CarteARI1.24.2AristotlePhysics, V-VIIIda
1134CarteARI1.69.1AristotleProblems (Vol. I, Books 1-19)nu
1135CarteARI1.69.2AristotleProblems (Vol. II, Books 20-38), Rhetoric to Alexandernu
1136CarteVOI2.1Armand-Alexandru, VoinovAtitudinea față de sinucidere în platonism și neoplatonismda
1137ArticolX-arm1.2Armstrong, A. H.The Background of the Doctrine "That the Intelligibles are not Outside the Intellectda
1138CarteARM1.2Armstrong, A. H.L'architecture de l'univers intelligible dans la philosophie de Plotin: une étude analytique et historiqueda
1139CarteARM1.1Armstrong, A. H.Arhitectura universului inteligibil in filosofia lui Plotinnu
1140CarteARN1.1Arnaldez, RogerFakhr al-Dîn al-Râzîda
1141CarteARN4.1Arnaldus de Villanova, Michael R. McVaugh (ed.)Arnaldi de Villanova Opera medica omnia, v. 2, Tractatus de humido radicali da
1142CarteARO2.1Aron, RaymondIntroduction à la philosophie de l`historireda
1143CarteFLS1.2Arosio, MarcoSull'intelligenza della fede in Bonaventura da Bagnoregio; un secolo di studida
1144CarteARO1.1Arosio, MarcoAristotelismo e Teologia da Alessandro di Hales a San Bonaventurada
1145CarteART2.1Artemidorus DaldianusOnirocriticon libri Vda
1146CarteART3.1Artz, Frederick B.The mind of the Middle Agesda
1147CarteATH1.2#1AthanasiusGegen die Heiden; Über die Menschwerdung; etc. (II Band)da
1148CarteATH1.1AthanasiusVier Reden gegen die Arianer; Vier Briefe an Serapion; etc. (I Band)da
1149CarteATH1.2#2AthanasiusGegen die Heiden; Über die menschwerdung; etc. (II Band)da
1150CarteATH1.3Athanasius AlexandrinusVitae Antonii versiones Latinae: vita beati Antonii abbatis Euagrio interpreteda
1151CarteATU1.1Atucha, Iñigo; Calma, Dragos; König-Pralong, Catherine; Zavattero, Irene (eds.)Mots médiévaux offerts à Ruedi Imbachda
1152CarteAUB1.1Aubenque, PierreConcepts et catégories dans la pensée antiqueda
1153CarteAUB1.2Aubenque, PierreLe probleme de l'etre chez Aristoteda
1154CarteHDK6.1Aubert, RogerDie Kirche in der Gegenwartda
1155CarteHDK6.2Aubert, RogerDie Kirche in der Gegenwartda
1156CarteAUG1.34.1AugustinVorträge über das Evangelium des Hl. Johannes (1-23)da
1157CarteAUG1.34.3AugustinVorträge über das Evangelium des Hl. Johannes (55-124)da
1158CarteAUG1.36AugustinAusgewählte Praktische Schriften/Homiletischen und Katechetischen Inhaltsda
1159CarteAUG1.37.1AugustinAusgewählte Briefe (I-II)da
1160CarteAUG1.37.2AugustinAusgewählte Briefe (III-IV)da
1161CarteAUG1.40AugustinDespre Treimenu
1162CarteAUG1.26AugustinSermones in Epistolas Apostolicas Ida
1163CarteAUG1.27AugustinSermones in Epistolas Apostolicas IIda
1164CarteAUG1.28AugustinRetractationum Libri IIda
1165CarteAUG1.29AugustinDe fide rerum invisibilium; Enchiridion ad Laurentium de fide et spe et caritate; De catechizandis rudibus; Sermo ad catechumenos de symbolo; Sermo de disciplina christiana; Sermo de utilitate ieiunii; Sermo de excidio urbis Romae; De haeresibusda
1166CarteAUG1.30AugustinSermones in Matthaeum Ida
1167CarteAUG1.31AugustinQuaestiones Evangeliorum cum appendice Quaestionum XVI in Matthaeumda
1168CarteAUG1.32AugustinContra adversarium legis et prophetarum. Commonitorium Orosii et Sancti Aurelii Augustini contra Priscillianistas et Origenistasda
1169CarteAUG1.4.1AugustinDe trinitate, I-XIIda
1170CarteAUG1.4.2AugustinDe trinitate, XIII-XVda
1171CarteAUG1.5AugustinDe doctrina christiana, De vera religioneda
1172CarteAUG1.1AugustinDespre natura Bineluinu
1173CarteAUG1.2AugustinDe libero arbitrioda
1174CarteAUG1.8AugustinDe beata vita / Uber das Glueckda
1175CarteAUG1.9AugustinDe vera religione / Uber die wahre Religionda