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Nr.TipCotaAutor TitluDisponibil
346CartePLO1.6.4PlotinEnnéades IVbda
348CartePOH1.1Pohlenz, MaxLa liberte grecqueda
349CartePOR2.2PorfirioCommentario al Parmenide di Platoneda
350CartePRA1.1Pradeau, Jean-Francois L`imitation du Principe. Plotin et la participationda
351CartePRO1.2.1ProclosCommentaire sur le Parmenide de Platonda
352CartePRO1.2.2ProclosCommentaire sur le Parmenide de Platonda
353CartePRO1.6Proclos (Proclus), Jean Trouillard (trad.)Elements de Theologieda
354CartePRO1.3.3Proclos (Proclus); A. J . Festugiere (trad.)Commentaire sur le Timee. Livre IIIda
355CartePRO1.3.2#2Proclos (Proclus); A. J . Festugiere (trad.)Commentaire sur le Timee. Livre IIda
356CartePRO1.4Proclos (Proclus); E. R. Dodds (trad.)The Elements of theology da
357CartePRO1.9.1ProclusTheologie platonicienne, I, ed. Saffrey-Westerinkda
358CartePRO1.9.2ProclusTheologie platonicienne, II, ed. Saffrey-Westerinkda
359CartePRO1.9.4ProclusTheologie platonicienne, IV, ed. Saffrey-Westerinkda
360CartePRO1.10ProclusElementatio theologica, translata a Guillelmo de Moerbekada
361CartePRO1.5Proclus; Victor Cousin (ed.)Commentarium in Parmenidem (Opera inedita)da
362CarteARI1.47Ps. AristotelLiber de pomo / Buch vom Apfelda
363CarteDIO1.2Ps.-Denys L'AreopagiteOeuvres completesda
364CarteDIO1.4Ps.-Denys L'AreopagiteLa hierarchie celeste, trad. M. de Gandillacda
365CarteCOS1.1Pseudo-AristotelLiber de causisda
366CarteARI1.31Pseudo-AristotelLiber de causisda
367CarteDIO1.3Pseudo-Dionisie AreopagitulCorpus Dionisiacum, ed. B.R. Suchla, vol. I-IIda
368CartePUT1.1Putallaz, Francois-Xavier La connaissance de soi au XIIIe siecle. De Matthieu d'Aquasparta a Thierry de Freibergda
369CartePUT1.2Putallaz, Francois-Xavier; Imbach, Ruedi Profession: Philosophe. Siger de Brabantda
370CarteRAC1.1Rachiteanu, Eugen L'icona. Sentiero tra visibile e invisibileda
371CarteRAH1.1Rahner, KarlL'esprit dans le mondeda
372CarteLUL1.2Raimundus LullusArs brevisda
373CarteLUL1.3Raimundus LullusDeclaratio super modum dialogi edita contra aliquorum philosophorum et eorum sequacium opiniones erroneas et damnatas a venerabili patre domino episcopo parisiensida
374CarteRAN3.1Randi, EugenioIl sovrano e l'orologiaioda
375CarteBRA1.1Remy BragueDu temps chez Platon et Aristoteda
376CarteGRO1.3Robert GrossetesteOpuscula philosophica (ed. L. Baur)da
377CarteGRO1.4Robert GrossetesteCommentarius in Posteriorum Analyticorum librosda
378CarteROB2.1Robin, Leon Aristoteda
379CarteROD1.1Rodier, Gaston Aristote, Traite de l'ameda
380CarteROG1.1Rogers, KathrinThe Anselmian Approach to God and Creationda
381CarteROG1.2Rogers, KathrinThe neoplatonic metaphisics and epistemology of Anselm of Canterburyda
382CarteROG1.3Rogers, Kathrin Perfect Being Theologyda
383CarteSAA1.1Saarinen, RistoWeakness of the will in medieval thoughtnu
384CarteSAF1.1Saffrey, Henri DominiqueRecherches sur le néoplatonisme après Plotinda
385CarteTHO1.6Saint Thomas d'AquinL'etre et l'essence (ed. C. Capelle)da
386CarteSAM1.1Sambursky, S.; Pines, S. The Concept of Time in Late Neoplatonismda
387CarteSAM1.2Sambursky, S.; Pines, S. The Concept of Place in Late Neoplatonismda
388CarteSEN1.1.1SenecaEpistole către Lucilius, vol. Ida
389CarteSEN1.1.2SenecaEpistole către Lucilius, vol. IIda
390CarteSEV1.1Seve, BernardLe question philosophique de l'existence de Dieuda
391CarteSHI1.1Shimizu, T., Burnett, Ch. (eds.)The Word in Medieval Logic, Theology and Psychology, Acts SIEPM Kyotoda
392CarteSLE1.1Sleeman, J. H.; Pollet, GilbertLexicon Plotinianumda
393CarteSOR1.1Sorabji, RichardPhiloponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Scienceda
394CarteSOU2.1Southern, R. W. Saint Anselm. A Portrait in a Landscapeda
395CarteSPA1.3Spade, Paul Vincent Five texts on the mediaeval problem of universals: Porphyry, Boethius, Abelard, Duns Scotus, Ockhamda