The Project
Objectives and Activities
The Team
The Budget
The Results

The Results 2017

Management Activities

Periodical meetings for organizing and coordinating the research activities, and the dissemination process:

  • 17.01.2017
  • 14.03.2017
  • 22.05.2017

Research and documentation visits:

  • Research institutions outside Romania
    07 - 14.05.2017Research and documentation visit conducted by Ana Victoria Sima and Mirela Popa-Andrei in Rome, Italy, at the Archives of the Congregation for Oriental Churches (ACCO) and Archivio Segretto Vaticano (ASV).


The project team participated in several international and national conferences:

  • International conferences:
    The project director Ana Victoria Sima organized a panel entitled The Church during the Great War as part of the international conference “War Hecatomb: Effects on health, demography and modern thought (19th-21st centuries)”, organized by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences - Universidade Nova de Lisboa. In this panel, the project team presented papers, and the Discussant was Diana Covaci. The conference program can be consulted here:
    1. Diana Covaci, Lisbon - Portugal, 19-20 June 2017, International Conference “War Hecatomb: Effects on health, demography and modern thought (19th-21st centuries)”; organized by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences - Universidade Nova de Lisboa; paper presented: ‘Trustworthy counsellors of the people`: The Romanian Clergy and the Mobilization of the Civil Population in Transylvania during the First World War.
    2. Mirela Popa-Andrei, Lisbon - Portugal, 19-20 June 2017, International Conference The Church during the Great War as part of the international conference “War Hecatomb: Effects on health, demography and modern thought (19th-21st centuries)”; organized by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences - Universidade Nova de Lisboa; paper presented: The Other Faces of the Priest. The Overlapping Roles of the Clergy in the Romanian Communities from Transylvania during the Great War
    3. Teodora Mihalache, Lisbon - Portugal, 19-20 June 2017, International Conference The Church during the Great War as part of the international conference “War Hecatomb: Effects on health, demography and modern thought (19th-21st centuries)”; organized by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences - Universidade Nova de Lisboa; paper presented: War Pedagogy in The Confessional Schools of the Transylvanian Saxons during the First World War
    4. Ionela Zaharia, Lisbon - Portugal, 19-20 June 2017, International Conference The Church during the Great War as part of the international conference “War Hecatomb: Effects on health, demography and modern thought (19th-21st centuries)”; organized by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences - Universidade Nova de Lisboa; paper presented: Salvation through War: Church and War Propaganda at the Borders (1914-1918).
    5. Tiberiu Iordan, Lisbon - Portugal, 19-20 June 2017, International Conference The Church during the Great War as part of the international conference “War Hecatomb: Effects on health, demography and modern thought (19th-21st centuries)”; organized by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences - Universidade Nova de Lisboa; paper presented: No men’s film in no men’s land: Filming and propaganda in the trenches of World War I.
    6. Ana Victoria Sima, Paris, 1 June 2017, International Conference Formes, expressions et recompositions des solidarités dans l’Autriche-Hongrie en guerre, organized by INALCO, paper presented: Beyond the Fatherland, more than the Fatherland. Family as a psychological shelter and a transnational form of solidarity among Romanian and Italian soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Army during the First World War, together with Emanuela Costantini (Universita Perugia, Italia) (

  • National conferences:
    Mirela Popa-Andrei, Brașov, 27-28 April 2017, National symposium “ŢaraBârsei”, 16 th edition, entitled “Istorie și memorialistică în secolele XVIII-XX”, organized by the Museum “Casa Mureşenilor” and the Braşov County Council; paper presented: Literatura Marelui Război. Studiu de caz: două jurnale de front românești

  • Volume of the project:
    Persuading Minds. Propaganda and Mobilisation in Transylvania during World War I,Ana Victoria Sima&Teodora Alexandra Mihalache (eds), Peter Lang, 2017 ISBN: 978-3-631-73857-3.(in press).
    In this volume the team members published the following studies:
    1. Ana Victoria Sima, “Writing and waiting for peace. Letters of Ordinary Romanian People from Transylvania at the Time of the Great War”
    2. Ionela Zaharia, “War Propaganda: A Duty to the Nation and the Emperor. ASTRA and the Military Clergy during the Great War”
    3. Tiberiu Iordan, “With the Camera in the Trenches”
    4. Mirela Popa-Andrei, “The Priests’ Manifold Roles in Transylvania’s Romanian Communities during World War I”
    5. Teodora Mihalache, “A “Mobilisation of Souls”: Actions in Support of the War Effort in Brașov during 1914”
    6. Diana Covaci, “The Church`s Mobilisation of the Population in Support of the War Effort: A Study of Communication”

  • Articles in international databases:
    1. Ionela Zaharia, “For God and/or emperor: Habsburg Romanian military chaplains and wartime propaganda in camps for returning POWs“, European Review of History: Revue européenne d’histoire, Volume 24, 2017 - Issue 2: Habsburg Home Fronts during the Great War, Taylor and Francis, pp. 288-304.
    2. Mirela Popa-Andrei, “Ipostaze ale preotului în comunitățile românești din Transilvania în timpul Marelui Război, in Anuarul Institutului de Istorie“George Bariţiu” din Cluj-Napoca Series Historica, vol. LVI, Bucureşti, 2017, in press.

  • Other articles and studies:
    1. Mirela Popa-Andrei, Diana Covaci, “Ierarhi români în refugiu. Secvențe din viața Bisericii Greco-catolice române din Transilvania în vremea Primului război Mondial”, in Cler, biserică și societate în Transilvania sec. XVII-XX, eds. Cornel Sigmirean, Corina Teodor, Cluj-Napoca (România), Ed. Argonaut, Gatineau (Canada), Symphologic Publishing, 2016, pp. 323-339.
    2. Mirela Popa-Andrei, “Primul Război Mondial reflectat în jurnale de front românești (1914-1916)”, in Din modernitate spre contemporaneitate. Studii istorice dedicate lui George Cipăianu la împlinirea vârstei de 75 de ani, eds.ValentinOrga, Ottmar Trașcă, Liviu Tîrău, Virgiliu Țîrău, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Argonaut, 2017, pp. 241-253.
    3. Mirela Popa-Andrei, “La Prima Guerra Mondiale attraverso gli occhi dei partecipanti. Due diari di guerraromeni (1914-1916)”, in Quaderni Quaderni della Casa Romena di Venezia, XII, 2017 (in press), ISSN 1583 9397.
    4. Ana Victoria Sima, Alexandra Teodora Mihalache, “Liberatori o nemici? Percezioni e atteggiamenti dei Romeni e dei Sassoni transilvani nei confronti dell’esercito romeno durante la breve occupazione della Transilvania (1916)”, in Quaderni Quaderni della Casa Romena di Venezia, XII, 2017 (in press), ISSN 1583 9397.
    5. Mirela Popa-Andrei, “Școli și învățători în vremea Marelui Război. Studiu de caz: învățământul confesional din dieceza Greco-catolică Gherla (1914-1916)”, in a Festschrift commemorating Professor Nicolae Bocșan, 2017, in press.
    6. Mirela Popa-Andrei, “Câteva considerații cu privire la clerul român din Transilvania și propaganda de război (1914-1917)”, in a Festschrift dedicated to Professor Csucsuja Istvan, in press.

  • Other results:

Short documentary film, producer: Tiberiu Iordan, scientific consultants: Ana Victoria Sima, Mirela Popa-Andrei, Diana Covaci, Ionela Zaharia.

©2015-2017 Project team