Project Results



G. Cupcea, Professional Ranks in the Roman Army of Dacia, BAR International Series 2681, Archaeopress, Oxford, ISBN 978-1-4073-1325-2, 158 p.

Articles in ISI/ERIH journals

G. Cupcea, Time Keeping in the Roman Army and the horologiarius from Apulum, Latomus. Revue d'etudes latines, forthcoming.

International Conferences

G. Cupcea, Frontier Landscape and Conflict in Roman Dacia. The advanced limes at Supuru de Sus, North-Western Romania, 3rd PG Conference in Conflict Archaeology, November 2014, Birmimgham, UK.

F. Marcu, G. Cupcea, The Dacian LIMES, Danube Limes Project Final Conference, Ruse-Bucharest, September 2014.

National Conferences

F. Marcu, Viaţa soldatului pe graniţa de nord a Daciei, Viaţa cotidiană a soldatului roman în castrele din Dacia, Turda, October 2014.

G. Cupcea, Ora exactă în armata romană și o inscripţie de la Apulum, Viaţa cotidiană a soldatului roman în castrele din Dacia, Turda, October 2014.

F. Marcu, G. Cupcea, Castrul auxiliar de la Bologa, Sesiunea Naţională de Rapoarte Arheologice, Oradea, June 2014.

F. Marcu, G. Cupcea, Castrul auxiliar de la Bologa și zona de frontieră adiacentă, LIMES FORUM III, Bistriţa, 2014.

Technical Results

G. Cupcea, F. Marcu, Visibility study (View Shed Analysis) of the Roman watchtowers in the area of the fort of Buciumi, 2014.

G. Cupcea, F. Marcu, Visibility study (View Shed Analysis) of the Roman watchtowers in the area of the fort of Porolissum, 2014.


Articles in ISI/ERIH journals

F. Marcu, G. Cupcea, Recent Developments in the Fort of Bologa and on the North-Western Dacian limes, Dacia NS 58, 2013 (2014).

G. Cupcea, Careers in the Guard of the Dacia Governor, Dacia NS 58, 2013 (2014).

Articles in BDI Proceedings

F. Marcu, G. Cupcea, Topografia limes-ului de nord-vest al Daciei în zona castrului de la Bologa (jud. Cluj), Arheovest. In memoriam Liviu Maruia, Szeged, 2013.

G. Cupcea, The Centurions of IIII Flavia legion in Dacia, Arheovest. In memoriam Liviu Maruia, Arheovest. In memoriam Liviu Maruia, Szeged, 2013.

International Conferences

F. Marcu, G. Cupcea, D. Isac, The layout of the vici in Dacia: archaeology and geophysics, ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROSPECTION 2013, Vienna, June 2013.

F. Marcu, G. Cupcea, The Topography of Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa and of its agger, Trajan und seine Städte, Cluj-Napoca, September 2013.

F. Marcu, G. Cupcea, Topografia limes-ului de nord-vest al Daciei în zona castrului de la Bologa (jud. Cluj), Arheovest. In memoriam Liviu Maruia, Timișoara, December 2013.

G. Cupcea, The Centurions of IIII Flavia legion in Dacia, Arheovest. In memoriam Liviu Maruia, Arheovest. In memoriam Liviu Maruia, Timișoara, December 2013.

National Conferences

F. Marcu, G. Cupcea, Cadastrul Arheologic al Clujului, 70 de ani de la fondarea Muzeului de Istorie Turda, Turda, October, 2013.

Technical Results

F. Marcu, G. Cupcea, D. Isac, The geophysical map of the Roman auxiliary fort and vicus of Cășei-Samum, 2013.

F. Marcu, G. Cupcea, C. Gaiu, R. Zăgreanu, The geophysical map of the Roman auxiliary fort and vicus of Ilișua, Arcobadara, 2013.

F. Marcu, G. Cupcea, R. Gindele, The geophysical map of the Roman defence system of Supuru de Sus, 2012-2013.

G. Cupcea, F. Marcu, Visibility study (View Shed Analysis) of the Roman watchtowers in the area of the fort of Bologa, 2013.


Articles in ISI/ERIH journals

F. Marcu, Who built the Roman forts?, Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 59, 2012, p. 513-543.

International Conferences

F. Marcu, G. Cupcea, The Forts of Dacia A New Approach, Virtual Archaeology, Sankt Petersburg, Russia, June 2012.

F. Marcu, G. Cupcea, The Northern Dacian limes - New Approaches, New Features, the 22nd Roman Frontier LIMES Congress, Ruse, Bulgaria, September 2012.

Technical Results

F. Marcu, G. Cupcea, Csok, Zs., The topographic map of the limes on the Meseș Mountains, 2012.

F. Marcu, G. Cupcea, Digital Elevation Model of the Roman auxiliary fort of Bologa, 2012.

© 2012, Bogdan Cupcea