Communities, statutes and political ideology in Roman Dacia


Research project supported by a grant of the Romanian Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding,

project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0255, contract no. 82/12.07.2017




Home The Project The Team The Results

© 2017-2019. The Project Team


The project`s intermediary scientific report (July 2017 - September 2019) can be downloaded here.

Monographic files created in 2018 and 2019 can be accessed here.

The project`s scientific report for 2019 can be accessed here.


Published results (January - September 2019):



Ioan Piso, Adrian Ardeț, Călin Timoc Inscriptiones Daciae Romanae, Suppl. III. Inscriptiones laterum ex museis Banatensibus, Ed. Mega, Cluj-Napoca 2019.


Books co-authored:

Csaba Szabó, Imola Boda, The Gods of Roman Dacia.An illustrated dictionary, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019.


Articles in Web of Science:

Rada Varga, Annamária – Izabella Pázsint, The Reflection of Personal and Collective Tragedies in Ancient Sources. 2. Collective Tragedies in Roman Epigraphy, Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 6.3, 2019, 49-58.


ERIH+ articles

Carmen Fenechiu, The verbs “to write” and “to read” in the inscriptions of Dacia, ActaMN, 56/I, 2019, in print.


Sorin Nemeti, Epigraphically attested rural settlements. I. Three toponyms, ActaMN, 56/I, 2019, in print.


Rada Varga, Annamária – Izabella Pázsint, Angela Lumezeanu, Romans 1 by 1. A Guidebook/ Database Manual, Studia UBB Digitalia LXIII, 2018, 31-49.


Articles in indexed journals

Ioan Piso, C. H. Opreanu, Eine weihung aus Porolissum für das Wohl des severischen Kaiserhauses, ZPE, 209, 2019, 295-296.


Articles in edited books:

Ioan Piso, Kaiser Decius als restitutor Daciarum, in Panegyrikoi logoi. Festschrift für Johannes Nollé zum 65. Geburtstag, Bonn, 2019, p. 53-61.


Special journal issues

Studia UBB Digitalia LXIII, 2018


International conferences organised

XVI Workshop  F.E.R.C.AN. (Fontes  Epigraphici  Religionum  Celticarum  ANtiquarum), Cluj-Napoca, 5-7 July 2019.


Defending the polis – defending the empire. The Ancient Greek and Roman Military Strategy and the Inscriptions (Epigraphic Roundtable), Debrecen, Ungaria, 17-18 October 2019.


DigiHuBB Days, Cluj-Napoca, 27-30 November 2019 (co-organised: Rada Varga convened the panel Historical Networks and organised the pre-conference workshop Nodegoat:


International conferences attended:

Rada Varga, Romans1by1, 3rd workshop, 30 May-1 June 2019, Viena.


Rada Varga, Annamária – Izabella Pázsint, Imola Boda, Romans 1 by 1. Insights into a Prosopographical Database, 12th Celtic Conference in Classics (Coimbra, Portugalia, 26-29 June 2019).


Ioan Piso, Die Religion im römischen Dakien, XVI Workshop F.E.R.C.AN, 5-7 July, Cluj-Napoca..


Rada Varga, War, peace and Romanization? The nature of Roman dominion over the province of Dacia, Taking the Lead in Late

Republican and Early Imperial Rome: Office, Agency, and Initiative, 15–16 July, 2019, Bielefeld.


Annamária – Izabella Pázsint, The Mobility of the Military Personnel Originating from the Greek Cities of the Pontus Euxinus, Defending the polis – defending the empire. The ancient Greek and Roman military strategy and the inscriptions, 17-18 October 2019, Debrecen


Ioan Piso, La legio III Gallica à Potaissa, Defending the polis – defending the empire. The ancient Greek and Roman military strategy and the inscriptions, Defending the polis – defending the empire. The ancient Greek and Roman military strategy and the inscriptions, 17-18 October 2019, Debrecen.


Rada Varga, The imprint of military logistics on local economic systems. Case study: ala I Batavorum miliaria in Dacia, Defending the polis – defending the empire. The ancient Greek and Roman military strategy and the inscriptions, 17-18 October 2019, Debrecen


Rada Varga, Annamária-Izabella Pázsint, Angela Lumezeanu, Romans1by1. A population database for ancient epigraphic sources, DigiHuBB Days, 27-30 November 2019, Cluj-Napoca.


Professional training

Annamária – Izabella Pázsint, „Latin Epigraphy in the Roman World. Researching, Editing and Enhancing the Value of Inscriptions”, Workshop organised in Madrid and Alcalá de Henares (20-22 February 2019), by Casa de Velázquez and Universitatea din Alcalá.


Annamária – Izabella Pázsint, Nodegoat (27 November) workshop organised by Babeș-Bolyai. University and Lab1100



Rada Varga, Nodegoat (27 November) workshop organised by Babeș-Bolyai. University and Lab1100