Results 2012


  • Maria Crăciun, ‘Ora pro nobis sancta Dei genitrix’: Prayers and Gestures in Late Medieval Transylvania’ in Gerhard Jaritz (ed.), Ritual, Images and Daily Life. The Medieval Perspective (Wien, Zurich: Lit Verlag, 2012), pp. 107-138.
  • Maria Crăciun ‘Marian Imagery and Its Function in the Lutheran Churches of Early Modern Transylvania’ in Andrew Spicer (ed.), Lutheran Churches in Early Modern Europe (Farnham: Ashgate, 2012), pp. 133-164.
  • Maria Crăciun ‘Pietatea franciscană şi impactul ei în Transilvania medievală târzie’ (Franciscan Piety and Its Impact in Late Medieval Transylvania) in Ovidiu Cristea, Petronel Zahariuc, Gheorghe Lazăr (eds), Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam. In honorem Ştefan Andreescu (Iaşi: Editura Universităţii Alexandru Ioan Cuza, 2012), pp. 393-416.
  • Mária Lupescu Makó “Késő-középkori erdélyi végrendeletek joggyakorlata” Ablakok a múltra edited by Nagy Róbert – Rüsz-Fogarasi Enikő (Kolozsvár: Egyetemi Műhely Kiadó – Bolyai Társaság-Kolozsvár, 2012, pp. 84-105



  • Ciprian Firea attended the international conference International Medieval Meeting Lleida. Consolidated Medieval Studies Research Group ‘Space, Power and Culture’ (Spain, 25 June – 1 July 2012) with the paper „Dispersed Parts of a Medieval Liturgical Ensemble. The Altarpieces of St. Mary Church in Sibiu/Hermannstadt (Transylvania)”.
  • Mária Lupescu Makó took part in the Congress of the International Art History Committee, attending the section „The Challenge of the Object. Die Herausforderung des Objekts”. The congress took place in Nuremberg (Germany) between the 15th and the 20th of July 2012.
  • Maria Crăciun attended the Reformation Studies Colloquium, held at St Chad’s College, Durham (UK) (4th- 6th of September 2012), where she presented the paper „The Price of Sin: Crime and Punishment in Sixteenth-Century Transylvanian Towns”.
  • Maria Crăciun and Carmen Florea participated in the conference Cuius patrocinio tota gaudet regio. Saints’ Cults and the Dynamics of Regional Cohesion, organised in Dubrovnik by the Croatian Hagiography Society Hagiotheca and the Cultsymbol Project, developed within the framework of ESF EuroCORECODE Programme, as well as the OTKA Saints project, developed by CEU Budapest. Carmen Florea presented the paper „Patrons in the Diocese: the Transylvanian Episcopate and the Channeling of Saints' Cults”, and Maria Crăciun gave a paper entitled „Elizabeth and the Saxons of Late Medieval Transylvania” (17th-22th of October 2012).
  • Mária Lupescu Makó delivered the paper called „‘refrigerium anime ipsorum...’ Középkori lélekváltság-adományok” at the national conference Ziua Culturii Maghiare în Transilvania (The Days of Transylvanian Hungarian Culture), organised by the Transylvanian Museum Society, which took place in Cluj-Napoca between the 23rd and 24th of November 2012.
  • Maria Crăciun gave a lecture entitled „Lutheran Liturgical Practice as a Marker of Confessional Identity” at the Atelier des Médiévistes, EHESS, Paris, 27 November 2012.