Nr.CotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
2531HOF5.1Hoffe, Otfried, Imbach, RuediParadigmes de theologie philosophiqueda
2532CHI2.1Chindea, GabrielParadoxul transcendenţei la Aristotel şi Plotinda
2533LEF1.1Leff, GordonParis and Oxford Universities in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuryda
2534SCO1.5Johannes Duns ScotusPariser Vorlesungen über Wissen und Kontingenzda
2535COU5.2Courtenay, William J.Parisian scholars in the early fourteenth century. A social portraitda
2536FAB1.1Fabro, CornelioParticipation et causalite selon Thomas d'Aquinda
2537ARI1.65AristotelParva naturalia : scurte tratate de ştiinţe naturaleda
2538HOE1.4Hoenen, M. J. F. M; Engel, Karsten (eds.)Past and future. Medieval studies todayda
2539VIS1.1Claude VIshnu Spaak et Ovidiu Stanciu (dir.)Patocka, Lecteur d'Aristote. Phenomenologie, ontologie, cosmologieda
2540BAD2.1Cristian Badilita (ed.)Patristique et oecumenismeda