Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
6X-ada1.1#2Adamson, PeterAristotelianism and the Soul in the Arabic Plotinusda
7x-adk1.1Adkins, A.W.H.Arete, Techne, Democracy and Sophists: Protagoras 316b-328dda
8x-adl1.1Adler, Mortimer J.Angelda
9X-aer1.1 Aertsen, Jan A.What is First and Most Fundamental? The Beginnings of Transcendental Philosophyda
10X-aer1.2 Aertsen, Jan A.The Eternity of the World: The Believing and The Philosophical Tomas. Some Commentsda
11X-alb1.1Albertus MagnusQuaestiones de bono (Summa de bono q. 1-10)da
12X-alb1.2Albertus MagnusLiber Primus de Praedicabilibusda
13X-alb1.3Albertus Magnus; ed. Clemens Stroick O.M.I. S. De Anima: Cap.4-Cap. 10da
14X-alb1.4Albertus Magnus Quaestio de ratione superiori et synderesi; Quaestio de synderesida
15X-alf1.1AlfarabiUber den Ursprung der Wissenschaften (De Ortu Scientiarum)da