Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
496x-sta1.1Stannard, Jerry Parmenidian Logicda
497x-sta2.1Stanton, G.R. Sophists and Philosophers: Problems of Classificationda
498x-ste1.1Steel CarlosSiger of Brabant versus Thomas Aquinas on the Possibility of Knowing the Separate Substancesda
499x-ste1.2Steel CarlosMedieval Philosophy: an Impossible Project? Thomas Aquinas and the "Averroistic" Ideal of Happinessda
500x-ste1.3Steel, Carlos ; Guy GuldentopsAn unknown tratise of Averoes against the Avicennians on the first causeda
501X-ste2.1Steenberghen, Fernand vanProlegomenes a la <<quarta via>>da
502x-ste2.2 Steenberghen, Fernand VanLe <<De quindecim problematibus>> d'Albert le Grandda
503X-ste2.3 Steenberghen, Fernand VanAlbert le Grand et l'Aristotelismeda
504X-sto1.1 Stocks, J.L. Σxολhda
505x-sto2.1Stone, Martin W F.Moral Psychology afer 1277: Did the Parisian Condemnation Make a Difference to Philosophical Discussions of Human Agency?da
506X-str1.1Strauss LeoHow to Study Medieval Philosophyda
507X-str2.1Street, Tony Avicenna and Tusi on the Contradiciton and Conversion of the Absoluteda
508x-swe1.1Swenson, David F. The Logical Significance of the Paradoxes of Zenoda
509X-swi1.1 Swiezawski, St.Les intentions premieres et les intentions secondes chez Jean Duns Scotda
510X-tam1.1 Tambrun, Brigitte Byzance,Platon et les platoniciensnu
511X-tar1.1Tartler MargaretaUtopia insingurarii in Evul Mediu arabda
512X-tat1.1Tătaru-Cazaban, Bogdan Coloratio Anselmi. Trei lecturi franciscane ale "argumentului ontologic"da
513X-tat1.2Tătaru-Cazaban, Bogdan Individualitate şi infinit la Nicolaus Cusanusda
514x-tat2.1Tate, J. Socrates an the Mythsda
515X-tay1.1 Taylor, Richard C. St. Thomas and the Liber de Causis on the hylomorphic composition of separate substancesda
516X-tay1.2 Taylor, Richard C. Aquinas, the Plotiniana Arabica, and the Metaphysics of Being and Actualityda
517x-tew1Gotz-Rudiger TewesDie papstliche Kurie und die Lehre an der Pariser Universitat im 13. Jahrhundertda
518x-the1.1Thery, Gabriel Alexandre d' Aphrodiseda
519X-thi1.1Thijssen, J. M. M. H. What Really Happened On 7 March 1277? Bishop Tempier's Condemnation And Its Institutional Context Advanced Search What Really Happened On 7 March 1277? Bishop Tempier's Condemnation And Its Institutional Contextda
520X-thi1.2Thijssen, J. M. M. H. The response to Thomas Aquinas in the early fourteenth century: eternity and infinity in the works of Henry of Harclay, Thomas of Wilton and William of Alnwick O. F. M.da