Nr.CotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
221x-caj1.8Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
222x-caj1.9Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
223X-cal2.3Calma, Dragos Pologne - le groupe de Cracovieda
224X-cal2.2Calma, Dragos ; Imbach, RuediA fifteenth-century metaphysical treatise: preliminary remarcs on the colliget principiorum of Heymericus de Campoda
225X-cal1.1Calma, MonicaLa connaissance philosophique de la Trinite selon Pierre D'Ailly et la fortune medievale de la proposition "Monas genuit monadem"da
226X-car1.1Carchia, Gianni La pensee et son ombre. De l'histoire de la philosophie comme mythologieda
227X-car2.1Carroll, William E. The condemnations of Paris (1277) and the christian origins of modern scienceda
228x-chi1.1Chihara, Charles S.On the Possibility of Completing an Infinite Processda
229X-cho1.1Chollet, A. Averroismeda
230x-sch5.21Chris SchabelThe Quaestiones Libri Physicorum by Franciscus Marbres (alias Johannes Canonicus). Part I: Author, Text and Receptionda
231X-tro1.4Christian TrottmanPour une auto-critique medievale de la raison la plus pure en son usage partiqueda
232X-chu1.1Chuvin, Pierre ; Fayant, Marie-Christine (trad.)Paul le Silentaire. Description de Sainte Sophie Constantinopleda
233x-cob1.1Coby, Patrick Aristotle's Four Conceptions of Politicsda
234x-cor5.1Corbett, S.M. Zeno's 'Achilles": A Reply to John McKieda
235x-cor4.2Corcoran, JohnConceptual Structure of Classical Logicda
236x-cor4.1Corcoran, JohnCompleteness of am Ancient Logicda
237X-cor1.1Cornea, A."If There Were an Eye on the back of The Heaven..."da
238X-cor3.1Corrigan, Kevin "Solitary" Mysticism in Plotinus, Proclus, Gregory of Nyssa, and Pseudo-Dionysiusda
239X-cou4.1Courtenay, William J. John of Mirecourt and Gregory of Rimini on whether God can undo the past nu
240X-cou3.1Courtine, Jean François Note complementaire pour l'histoire du vocabulaire de l'etre da
241x-cro1.1Cross, RichardFour-dimensionalism and identity across time: Henry of ghent vs. Bonaventureda
242x-cuf1.1Cuffel , Victoria The Classical Greek Concept of Slavery da
243X-dah1.1Dahan, Gilbert En marge du Proslogion de Saint Anselm: L'exegeze patristique et medievale du psaume 13da
244x-sch9David S. SchwayderAchilles Unboundda
245X-dej1.1De Jasay, Anthony L'État : La logique du pouvoir politiqueda
246x-del1.1De Lacy, Phillip HContributions of the Herculanean Papyri to Our Knowledge of Epicurean Logicda
247X-der2.1De Rijk, Lambert MarieGilbert de Poitiers. Ses vues semantiques et metaphysiquesda
248X-der2.2De Rijk, Lambert MarieJohn Buridan on Universalsda
249X-del2.1Del Punta, FrancescoThe Genre of Commentaries in the Middle Ages and its Relation to the Nature and Originality of Medieval Toughtda
250X-der1.1Derrida, Jacques Diferanţada
251X-der1.2Derrida, JacquesChorada
252X-die1.2Dietrich de FreibergQuastio utrum substantia spiritualis sit composita ex materia et forma; Opera Omnia, vol. IIIda
253X-die1.3Dietrich de FreibergTractatus de inteligentiis et motoribus caelorum; Opera omnia vol. 1da
254X-die1.1Dietrich von FreibergDe animatione caeli; Opera Omnia vol. IIIda
255X-dil1.1Dilon, John Damascius on the Ineffableda
256x-dob1.1Dobbs, Darrel Choosing Justice: Socratese' Model City and the Practice of Dialecticda
257X-dod1.1Dodds, E.R. The Parmenides of Plato and the origin of the neoplatonic" One"da
258X-don2.1Donati, SilviaA new witness to the radical aristotelianism condemned by Etienne Tempier in 1277da
259X-don1.1Dondaine, H.F.Le corpus dionysien de l'universite de Paris au XIIIe siecleda
260X-dro1.1Dronke, PeterThe Return of Eurydiceda
261X-duh1.1Duhem, Pierre L'astronomie des dominicains (chapitre VI)da
262X-dun1.3Duns Scot, JeanOu la revelution subtileda
263X-dun1.1Duns Scoti, B. IoannisQuaestiones super libros Methaphysicorum Aristotelis Libri 1-5da
264X-dun1.2Duns Scoti, JoannisQuaestiones super libros Methaphysicorum Aristotelis ( pars IV, questio 1)da
265X-ebb1.1Ebbesen, Sten Philoponus, 'Alexander' and the origins of medieval logicda
266x-sch10Edward SchiappaDid Plato Coin Rhetorikeda
267x-ein1.1Einarson, BenedictAristotle's Protrepticus and the Structure of the Epinomisda
268X-eld1.1Elders, LeoSaint Thomas d'Aquin et la metaphysique du "Liber de causis"da
269X-end1.1Endres, Joseph AntonPetrus Damiani Und Die Weltliche Wissenschaftda
270x-fer2.1Ferguson, A.S. On a Fragment of Gorgiasda
271x-fer3.1Ferrois, Jose The Road to Modern Logic-An Interpretationda
272X-fio1.1Fioravanti , Gianfranco (Pisa)Philosophi contro legistae: un momento dell'autoaffermazione della filosofia nel Medievoda
273x-fla1.1#1Flasch, KurtKennt die mittelalterliche Philosophie die konstitutive Funktion des menschlichen Denkens? Eine Untersuchung zu Dietrich von Freibergda
274X-fla1.1#2Flasch, KurtKennt die mittelalterliche Philosophie die konstitutive Funktion des menschlichen Denkens? Eine Untersuchung zu Dietrich von Freibergda
275x-fra1.2Frankel, HermannZeno of Elea's Attacks on Pluralityda
276X-fre1.1Frede, MichaelLa Theorie Aristotelicienne de L'intellect Agentda
277x-sch8Fredric W. SchlatterIsocrates, against the Sophists,16da
278X-gal1.1Galonnier, AlainDescartes et Saint Anselme: Du Proslogion a la Meditatio Tertiada
279X-gar1.1Gargani, Aldo GiorgioDu penser comme destinda
280X-gar2.1Garin, Eugenio Studi sul platonismo medievaleda
281X-gas1.2Gaskin, Richard Alexander's Sea Battle: a discussion of Alexander of Aphrodisias De Fato 10da
282X-gas1.1Gaskin, Richard Peter Damian on Divine power and the contingency of the pastda
283X-gau2.1Gauvin, Joseph Les sens de "nichil" chez Gilbert de la Porreeda
284x-ger1.1Geréby GyörgyAmit Anzelm és Gaunilo mondtak egymásnakda
285X-ger1.2Geréby, G.Le debat sur le filioque et Jean Duns Scotda
286X-ges1.1Gescher, Franz Die Statuten der theologischen Fakultat an der alten Universitat Kolnda
287X-ghi1.1Ghisalberti, AlessandroGli inizi dell'aristotelismo e l'avvio della teologia scolasticada
288X-vat1.1Gianni VattimoUne ontologie de l'actualiteda
289X-gil1.1Gilson, Etienne Sens et nature de l'argument de Saint Anselmeda
290x-tew1Gotz-Rudiger TewesDie papstliche Kurie und die Lehre an der Pariser Universitat im 13. Jahrhundertda
291x-gou1.1Gourinat MichelLa doctrine platonicienne de l'ame du monde d'apres le ,,De anima" d'Aristoteda
292x-gra1.1Grabman, M.Die lehre vom intellectus possibilis und intellectus agens im liber de anima des Petrus Hispanus des speteren Papstes Johannes XXIda
293x-gra2.1Granel GerardLudwig Wittgenstein ou Le refus de la couronneda
294x-gra3.1Grant, EdwardThe translation of Greek an Arabic Science into Latinda
295X-gre1.1Greene, Robert A.Instinct of nature: natural law, synderesis, and the moral senseda
296x-gri1.1Grignaschi MarioLe role de l'aristotelisme dans le << Defensor Pacis >> de Marsile de Padoueda
297x-gri2.1Grijs, F. J. A. deThe Thelogical Caracter of Aquinos De aeternitate mundida
299X-had1.1Hadot, Pierre L'etre et l'étant dans le Néoplatonismeda
300X-had1.3#1Hadot, PierreLa distiction de l'étre et de l'éfant dans le "De hebdomadibus" de Boéceda
301X-had1.3#2Hadot, PierreLa distiction de l'étre et de l'éfant dans le "De hebdomadibus" de Boéceda
302X-hen1.1Henrici a GandauoSvmmae quaestionum ordinariarum theologi recepto preconio solennisda
303X-hil1.1Hildegard von BingenThe Origin of Fire, Music and Visions of Hildegard von Bingenda
304X-hil2.1Hillgarth, J.N.Ramon Lull and lullism in fourteenth-century france : Epilogue (chap. VII)da
305X-his1.1Hisette, Roland Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévaleda
306X-hit1.1Hitchcock, David Fallacies and formal logic in Aristotleda
307X-hoe1.2Hoenen, M. Academics and intellectual life in the Low Countries. The university career of Heymericus de Campo († 1460) da
308X-hoe1.1Hoenen, M. J. F. MThe literary reception of Thomas Aquinas' view on the provability of the Eternity of the world in de la mares correctorium (1278 9) and the correctoria corruptorii (1279 ca 1286)da
309X-hur1.1Hurand BérengerPlace et usage de la dialectique dans la methode asemienneda
310X-imb1.1Imbach R. ; Calma D.Les notes marginales de Nicolas de Cues au traite Colliget principorum da
311x-imb1.3#2Imbach RuediGravis iactura verae doctrinaeda
312X-imb1.2Imbach, RuediAverroistische Stellungnahmen Zur Diskussion uber das Verhaltnis von Esse und Essentiada
313X-imb1.3#1Imbach, RuediGravis iactura verae doctrinaeda
314X-imb1.4Imbach, RuediNotule sur le commentaire du Liber de causis de Siger de Brabant et ses rapports avec Thomas d'Aquinda
315X-imb1.5Imbach, RuediChronique de philosophie : Le (Neo-) Platonisme medieval, Proclus latin et l'ecole dominicaine Allemandeda
316x-jac1.1Jackson, Robin Socrates' Ialoas: Myth and Eristic in Plato's Euthydemusda
317X-jea1.2Jean de ParisUtrum in rebus creatis different essentia et esse realiteda
318X-jea1.1Jean de ParisCommentaire sur les sentencesda
319X-jea2.1Jeauneau, EdouardDenys l'Areopagite promoteur du neoplatonisme en Occidentda
320x-jen1.1Jenkins, JohnAquinas on the Veracity of the Intellectda