Caută după Donator

Nr.  TipCotaAutorTitluDisponibil
1CarteTHO1.28Thomas von AquinKommentar zur Nikomachischen Ethikda
2CarteALB2.7Albertus MagnusAlbertus Magnus und sein System der Wissenschaftennu
3CarteCRA1.1Craemer-Ruegenberg, IngridAlbertus Magnusda
4CarteALB2.8Albertus MagnusUber den Menschen / De homineda
5CarteBON3.1Bonin, Therese Creation as Emanation, The origin of diversity in Albert the Great's On the causes and the Procession of the Universenu
6CarteAUR1.1Petrus AureolusScriptum Super Primum Sententiarum, vol. Ida