Caută după Donator

Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
1CarteCAP1.3***Glossae Aevi Carolini in Libros I-II Martiani Capellae de nuptiis Philologiae et Mercuriida
2CarteCAN3.1***Collectio Canonum In V Librisda
3CarteAER1.1Aertsen, Jan (Ed.)What is Philosophy in the Middle Ages?da
4CarteAER1.4Aertsen, Jan. A.Medieval Philosophy as Transcendental Thought, from Philip the Cancellor (ca.1225) to Francisco Suarezda
5CarteAER1.3Aertsen, Jan; Emery, Kent; Speer, Andreas (Hsg.)After the Condemnation of 1277da
6CarteALB2.2Albert cel MareBuch über die Ursachen und den Hervorgang von allem aus der ersten Ursacheda
7CarteALB2.6Albert le GrandLe traite du flux. Tractatus de fluxu causatorum a causa prima et causarum ordineda
8CarteSCH3.1AnonymusLiber de causis. Das Buch von den Ursachenda
9CarteAUG1.27AugustinSermones in Epistolas Apostolicas IIda
10CarteAUG1.26AugustinSermones in Epistolas Apostolicas Ida