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Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
76CarteGET1.1Hosidivs GetaMedea. Cento vergilianvsda
78CarteGIR2.1Giraudeau, MicheleLes Notions Juridiques Et Sociales Chez Herodoteda
79CarteGOO1.1Goodenough, Erwin R.An Introduction to PHILO JUDAEUSda
80CarteGOO1.2Goodenough, Erwin R.THE POLITICS OF PHILO JUDAEUS. Practice and Theoryda
81CarteGOS2.1Gosling, J. C. B.; Taylor, C. C. The Greeks on Pleasureda
82CarteGRA3.1Grammont, MauricePHONETIQUE DU GREC ANCIENda
83CarteGRA4.1Granarolo, JeanD`Ennius a Catulle. Recherches sur les antecedents romains de la "poesie nouvelle"da
84CarteGRO5.1Gross, NikolausSENECAS NATURALES QUAESTIONES. Komposition, Naturphilosophische Aussagen und ihre quellenda
85CarteHAS3.1.1Bohuslai HassensteiniiA lobkowicz epistulae VOL Ida
86CarteHAS3.1.2Bohuslai HassensteiniiA lobkowicz epistulae VOL IIda
87CarteHAV2.1Havelock, Eric A.PREFACE TO PLATOda
88CarteHIR1.1Hirsch, WalterPlatons Weg Zum Mythosda
89CarteHOF3.1Hoffmann, Tobias; Muller, Jorn; Perkams, Matthias (ed.)Das problem der Willensshwache in der mittelalterlichen Philosophie/ The problem of Weekness of Will in Medieval Philosophyda
90CarteHOM1.2HomerCarmina Et Cycli Epici Reliquiaeda
91CarteHOM1.3HomerCarmina et Cycli Epici Reliquiaeda
92CarteHOR2.1P. W. Van Der HorstAelius Aristides And The New Testamentda
93CarteISI1.2Isidor de SevillaExpositio in Vetus Testamentum Genesis / Isidorus Episcopus Hispalensisda
94CarteISO1.2.1IsocrateOeuvres Completes Ida
95CarteISO1.2.2IsocrateOeuvres Completes IIda
96CarteISO1.2.3IsocrateOeuvres Completes IIIda
97CarteIUV1.2Iuvenal et PersiusOeuvres Completes - De Turnus et De Supliciada
98CarteKAG1.1Kagan, Donald (ed.)Studies in the Greek Historiansda
99CarteKEU1.1Keuls, Eva C.Plato And Greek Paintingda
100CarteKIE1.1.3Kieckers, E. Historische griechische Grammatik. Syntax IIIda