
Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
26CarteLOH1.1.5Lohr, Charles H.Latin Aristotle Commentaries. V. Bibliography of Secondary Litteratureda
27CarteMAG3.1Magrath, John RichardSelections from the Organon of Aristotleda
28CarteMAR2.2Marenbon, John (ed.)Aristotle in Britain during the Middle Agesda
29CarteNUS1.1Martha C. Nussbaum, Amelie Oksenberg Rorty (eds.)Essays on Aristotle's De animada
30CartePET7.1Peters, F.E.Aristotle and the Arabs: The Aristotelian Tradition in Islam da
31CartePHI1.6PhiloponusAgainst Aristotle, on the Eternity of the Worldda
32CarteSAN1.1Sandbach, F. H. Aristotle and the Stoicsda
33CarteTHI1.1Thijssen, J. M. M. H.The commentary tradition on Aristotle's De generatione et corruptioneda
34CarteTHO4.1.1Thomson, Rodney M. (ed.)Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries. Volume I: Oxfordda
35CarteTHO4.1.2Thomson, Rodney M. (ed.)Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries. Volume II: Cambridgeda