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Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
1CarteABB1.1Nicola AbbagnanoStoria della FIlosofia, II - La filosofia medioevaleda
2CarteABE1.2Abelard, PierreComentarii la Porfir. Despre universaliida
3CarteAEG1.1Aegidius de RomaErrores philosophorumda
4CarteAEG1.2Aegidius de RomaTheoremata de esse et essentiada
5CarteAEG1.3Aegidius de RomaExpositio super authorum de causisda
6CarteAER1.5Aertsen, Jan Medieval Philosophy and the transcendentals. The case of Thomas Aquinasda
7CarteAFR1.2Alexandru din Afrodisia; Themistius; Frederic M. Schroeder, Robert B. Todd (eds.)Two greek aristotelian commentators on The intellect. The De Intellectu attributed to Alexander of Aphrodisias and Themistius` Paraphrase of Aristotle De anima 3.4-8da
8CarteAFR1.5 Alexander Aphrodisiensis; Thillet, Pierre (ed.)Traité du destinda