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Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
11CarteYEH1.2Yehudah ha-LeṿiThe Book of Kuzarida
12CarteBIR1.1Bird, Jessalynn Lea; Smith, Damian J. (eds.)The Fourth Lateran Council and the crusade movement. The impact of the council of 1215 on Latin Christendom and the eastda
13CarteBIB4.1.1Alter, Robert (ed.)The Hebrew Bible (Vol. I. The Five Books of Moses)da
14CarteBIB4.1.2Alter, Robert (ed.)The Hebrew Bible (Vol. II. Prophets)da
15CarteBIB4.1.3Alter, Robert (ed.)The Hebrew Bible (Vol. III. The Writings)da
16CarteBIB3.1Coogan, Michael David; Brettler, Marc Zvi ; Newsom, Carol Ann (eds.)The new Oxford annotated Bibleda
17CarteMEL3.1Melamed, AvrahamThe Philosopher-King in Medieval and Renaissance Jewish Thoughtda
18CarteBOE5.1Boer, Jan-Hendryk de; Füssel, Marian; Schuh, Maximilian (eds.)Universitäre Gelehrtenkultur vom 13.–16. Jahrhundert. Ein interdisziplinäres Quellen- und Methodenhandbuchda
19CarteBAR9.1Bartoszewicz, AgnieszkaUrban literacy in late medieval Polandda