• 11. The Plenary Lecture by Pierre-Michel Menger is available as PPT here (fr) and here (en).
  • 10. The Book of Abstracts is available for download here.
  • 9. The final Detailed Programme (as of August 12) is available for download here.
  • 8. The „Cluj Transect walk guidelines” are available for download here.
  • 7. The registration period is extended until June 30. Since May 28, you also have the possibility to pay online the conference fee at the webpage:
  • 6. Now you have the possibility to book online the hotel rooms at the webpage Accommodation for ESA-Arts 2014 Cluj-Napoca, provided by the official partner of the conference, Wens Travel Agency.
  • 5. The Registration has started on April 1st. An offline registration form is available on the Registration page for participants who don’t wish to submit their registration on line. The online registration will be available later on the conference website.
  • 4. The results of proposals’ submissions were notified to all submitters on March 31st. In case you didn’t receive the announcement, please contact the Conference organizer. It is possible that our message has been directed to "Spam" by your e-mail provider. In order to avoid such technical failure, please save the e-mail address of the Conference Secretariat in your Contacts list.
  • 3. The French Institute in Cluj-Napoca will support participation of one francophone PhD student and one francophone artist from Europe (travel and housing, translation). They will have to give oral presentations in French at the conference sessions and/or roundtable "Artistic Testimony: creation and its context" on the interaction between the artistic research and its context of production and exhibition.

    L'institut Français de Cluj-Napoca couvrira les frais de voyage aller/retour et l'hôtel à Cluj-Napoca pour: un(e) doctorand(e) francophone d'Europe et un(e) artiste francophone d'Europe. Ceux-ci soutiendront des présentations en français à la conférence et/ou à une tabel ronde "Témoignage artistique: la création et son contexte", sur l'interaction de la recherche artistique et son contexte de production et exposition.
  • 2. You can submit abstracts for two co-organized workshops: Perspectives of Arts Management and Arts Management Research: Framing the Future (Download CfP).
  • 1. The new deadline for proposals submission is March 15, 2014.

©2013 ESA-Arts-2014