Communities, statutes and political ideology in Roman Dacia


Research project supported by a grant of the Romanian Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding,

project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0255, contract no. 82/12.07.2017




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The project`s scientific report can be downloaded here.


Edited volumes

G. Cupcea, R. Varga, Social interactions and status markers in the Roman world, Oxford, Archaeopress, Roman Arcaheology 37, 2018, ISBN 9781784917487.


Articles in edited books

I. Piso, Das verhängnisvolle Jahr 262 und die amissio Daciae, in L. Vagalinski (ed.), BULLETIN OF THE NATIONAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, XLIV, 2018 Proceedings of the First International Roman and Late Antique Thrace Conference "Cities, Territories and Identities" (Plovdiv, 3rd - 7th October 2016), 427-440.

R. Ardevan, La famille de Verzovia Saturnina, in F. Matei-Popescu, M. Popescu, I. Achim (eds.), Homagial volume for C. C. Petolescu, Bucharest, 2018, in print.


Articles in journals

I. Piso, Kleinasiatische Götter und Kolonisten in Dakien, Gephyra, 15, 2018, 37-70.

S. Nemeti, D. Dana, Malva - la colonie perdue de la Dacie Inferieure, ActaMN, 54/I, 2017, 207-230.

C. Fenechiu, Family Ties in Funerary Context. Inscriptions and Monuments from the Central Part of Dacia Superior, Orma, 27, 2017: Rites of passage, rights of passage (Ileana Benga, coord.), in print.


International conferences attended

I. Piso, Colonia Sarmizegetusa, the First Roman Town North of the Danube, AKMED Conference, Antalya, 6-8 August 2017.

I. Piso, Die Epigraphik der Provinz Dacia Porolissensis, XV. Internationaler Kongress für Griechische und Lateinische Epigraphik, Wien, 28 August - 2 September 2017.

I. Piso, Traiano e la provincia Dacia, Convegno Ferrara, 29-30 September 2017.

I. Piso, Trajan and the Colonia Sarmizegetusa, 4th International Conference on Roman Danubian Provinces, Zagreb, 15-17 November 2017.

R. Varga, Romans 1by1. Epigraphy as a starting point for prosopography and SNA, 4th Historical Networks Research Conference, Turku, 17-20 October 2017.

R. Ardevan, Osservazioni sulla società dacica all'alba della conquista romana, Optimus princeps Convegno Ferrara, 29-30 September 2017.

R. Ardevan, Les Illyriens dans la Dacie romaine. Histoire d'une recherché, Centenar Fanula Papazoglu, Belgrad, 17-18 October 2017.

R. Ardevan, Alcune osservazioni sul numerario circolante in età traianee, 4th International Conference on Roman Danubian Provinces, Zagreb, 15-17 November 2017.


          National conferences attended

I. Piso, Amissio Daciae, Colocviul national de arheologie Dacia in contextul crizei de la mijlocul secolului III, Turda, 3-4 November 2017.

R. Ardevan, O inscriptie martelata de la Inlaceni, Colocviul national de arheologie Dacia in contextul crizei de la mijlocul secolului III, Turda, 3-4 November 2017.

G. Bounegru, A. Rubel, C. Mischka, R. Varga, Cercetări arheologice și non-invazive la Războieni-Cetate.Campania 2017, Limes forum VI, Cluj-Napoca, 28-29 November 2017.