The XXII annual Colloquium of the SIEPM, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 28–30 September 2016

Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale
Centrul de Filosofie Antică şi Medievală, UBB Cluj

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Wednesday, 28 September

9.00–9.15 WELCOME. Participants: IOAN-AUREL POP, Rector of the Babeş-Bolyai University; DANIEL DAVID, Vice-Rector of the Babeş-Bolyai University; OVIDIU AUGUSTIN GHITTA, Dean of the Faculty of History and Philosophy; ALEXANDER BAUMGARTEN, Director of the Center for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy

Session 1. Chair: KENT EMERY

9.15–10.00 WILLIAM DUBA (Nijmegen): The Secretum secretorum and the Salvation of Aristotle

10.00–10.45 ANTÓNIO ROCHA MARTINS (Lisbon): The Secretum Secretorum and the idea of political happiness. Among Albertus Magnus, Thomas Aquinas and Giles of Rome

10.45–11.00 Coffee Break


11.00–11.45 PAVLINA CERMANOVÁ (Prague): The pseudo-Aristotelian Secretum Secretorum in Medieval Bohemia

11.45–12.30 LISA DEVRIESE (Leuven): The marginal annotations in the Physiognomonica

12.30–14.30 Lunch

Session 3. Chair: JOËL BIARD

14.45–15.30 JULIE SWANSTROM (Armstrong): Secondary Causes in the Liber de Causis and the work of Thomas Aquinas

15.30–16.15 HENRYK ANZULEWICZ (Bonn): Der Liber de causis als Quelle der Intellektlehre des Albertus Magnus

16.15–16.30 Coffee Break

Session 4. Chair: PAUL BAKKER

16.30–17.15 ANDREI MARINCA (Cluj): The Reception of Ps.-Aristotle’s De mundo in Fourteenth Century Sentences Commentaries

17.15–18.00 ASSYL TULEUBEKOV (Almaty, Kazakhstan): Pseudo-Aristotelian On the Universe in Tradition of Aristotle and Posidonius

19.00–20.00 Cocktail

Thursday, 29 September

Session 5. Chair: TOBIAS HOFFMANN

9.30–10.15 MONIKA MANSFELD (Katowice): The Cracow Version of Pseudo-Aristotelian De proprietatibus elementorum as an Academic Textbook

10.15–11.00 MARILENA PANARELLI (Lecce): Innate heat and radical moisture as foundation for life: from the pseudo-aristotelian De plantis to Albert the Great’s De vegetabilibus

11.00–11.15 Coffee Break

Session 6. Chair: ALFREDO CULLETON

11.15–12.00 EVELINA MITEVA (Cologne): From Pseudo-Aristotle to Pseudo-Albert: The Emancipation of Natural Philosophy

12.00-12.45 IOLANDA VENTURA (Orleans): Problemata pseudo-aristotéliciens et leur utilisation au Moyen Age

12.45–14.45 Lunch

Session 7. Chair: TIMOTHY NOONE

15.00–15.45 PAVEL BLAŽEK (Prague): Bartholomew of Bruges (d. 1356) as commentator of pseudo-Aristotle

15.45–16.30 MARIA DA CONCEIÇÃO CAMPS (Coimbra): The presence of De coloribus in the Manuel de Gois’ Theory of Color (Jesuit Coimbra Course, 1598)

16.30–17.15 PIETER DE LEEMANS (Leuven): Translating Pseudo-Aristotle in the Middle Ages. The enterprise of William of Moerbeke and Bartholomew of Messina

17.15-17.30 Coffee Break

Session 8. Chair: DAVID LUSCOMBE

17.30–18.15 BEATE ULRIKE LA SALA (Berlin): Maimonides’ theory of emanation and the Arabic Islamic reception of the Theology of Aristotle

Friday, 30 September

Session 9. Chair: PASQUALE PORRO

9.30–10.15 GUSTAVO FERNANDEZ WALKER (Buenos Aires): The Poisonous Antidote. Logic as a Scorpion in the Pseudo-Aristotelian Liber de pomo

10.15–11.00 ABRAHAM MELAMED (Haifa): The Medieval Hebrew De Pomo and the Myth of the Jewish Aristotle

11.00–11.15 Coffee Break

Session 10. Chair: MIKHAIL KHORKOV

11.15–12.00 IOANA CURUŢ (Cluj-Napoca): Sentences Commentaries and the role of the Pseudo-Aristotelian Liber de pomo in the De intentione Aristotelis questions about the eternity of the world

12.00–12.30 Conclusions

12.45–14.30 Lunch

15.00–20.00 Board meeting