Interethnic marriages: between an exercise of tolerance and a modern expression of indifference. 1895-2010
Intermarriage throughout History


International Commission of Historical Demography
Centre for Population Studies at Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj
Center for Transylvanian Studies at Romanian Academy Cluj
Romanian Society of Historical Demography
CEPHn - Central Europe Population History network

Scientific Comittee

Prof. dr. Kees Mandemakers (The Netherlands)
Prof. dr. Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux (France)
Prof. dr. Ioan Bolovan (Romania)
Prof. dr. Mary Louise Nagata (USA)
Prof. dr. Marie-Pierre Arrizabalaga (France)
Prof. dr. Claudia Contente (Spain)
Prof. dr. Futoshi Kinoshita (Japan)
Prof. dr. Ofelia Rey Castelao (Spain)
Prof. dr. Peter Teibenbacher (Austria)
Dr. Mikolaj Szoltysek (Germany)
Dr. Mohamed Saleh (USA)
Prof. dr. Ravindran Gopinath (India)
Prof. dr. Jan Kok (The Netherlands)

Organising Comittee

Prof. dr. Ioan Aurel Pop, Rector of the Babeş-Bolyai University
Prof. dr. Traian Rotariu, Director of the Center for Population Studies of the Babeş-Bolyai University
Prof. dr. Ioan Bolovan, Vice-rector of the Babeş-Bolyai University

Dr. Luminiţa Dumănescu
Dr.Mihaela Hărăguş
Dr.Daniela Mârza
Dr.Marius Eppel
Dr. Bogdan Crăciun
2011 by Luminita Dumanescu
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