[UPCOMING] 15-16 November 2022
➩ Medicine and Philosophy 4: Maladies of the Soul
Cluj-Napoca, Romania [online & in situ workshop]
Zoom Meeting ID:
994 6036 8416
Password: 603647
Zoom link: [click here]
Babeș-Bolyai University
Faculty of History and Philosophy
Centre for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
Conferințele Centrului de Filosofie Antică și Medievală, toamnă 2022
CALL FOR PAPERS ➩ Medicine and Philosophy 4: Maladies of the Soul
How body and soul influence each other? How external circumstances influence and change the way we think? Which factors determine our moral, our cognitive, and physiological features?
The workshop “Medicine and Philosophy” takes at its core the dynamic relation between the two disciplines in the period of the “long Middles Ages”, from Antiquity to Early Modern times. The previous three editions of the workshop focused on topics laying in the middle ground between the philosophical and the medical knowledge: humoral theory (MedPhil 1), climate (MedPhil 2), contagion and fascination (MedPhil 3).
The latest, fourth edition of the workshop, looks at the soul as a changeable subject. How is it that the soul could fall ill? What are those conditions of the soul or the body that bring the soul out of its balance? What part of the soul is being affected when it is no more “sane”, “normal” or “balanced”? What external or internal factors can contribute to shake the human soul, with its immortal reason and will, and bring it out of its ideal condition, as “intended by nature”. Looking into the terminology of various pathologies of the soul, like melancholy, madness, lovesickness, depression, mania, and so forth, to name just some among the many, the workshop will aim at showing once again the dynamic relation between physiological and psychological processes, as well as to discuss how medical terminology might have influenced philosophical or theological debates.
Focusing on the maladies of the soul, this workshop aims at stimulating exchange between historians of philosophy and experts in natural philosophy whose work often speaks more to one another than meets the eye.
To participate, please send an abstract to Evelina Miteva (evelinamiteva@yahoo.co.uk) and Vlad Ile (vlad.ile@ubbcluj.ro) by August 30, 2022.
The abstract must be no longer than 300 words, prepared for blind reviewing and sent as a .docx file. The subject of the mail should be “MediPhil”. The author’s name and contact information (name, affiliation, email and professional status – graduate student, postdoc, lecturer etc.) should also be specified in your message. There are no registration fees. Attendance is free but limited. For speakers, the organisers will try to cover the costs of accommodation and meals. No financial help, however, can be provided for travel expenses.
7 June 2022
➩ Andrei Bereschi, Vlad Ile, Anatomii ale melancoliei (Anatomies of melancholy)
Cluj-Napoca, Romania [online conference]

Babeș-Bolyai University
Faculty of History and Philosophy
Centre for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
Conferințele Centrului de Filosofie Antică și Medievală, semestrul de primăvară, 2022

20 May 2022
➩ Second International Conference for Doctoral Students in Philosophy
Cluj-Napoca, Romania [hybrid event, in situ + online]

Babeș-Bolyai University
Faculty of History and Philosophy
Doctoral School of Philosophy
From the Melancholy team:
Gregory the Great and the image of contagio
– in situ –
– presentation continuing the topics discussed within the Medicine & Philosophy III: Contangion and Fascination workshop (see details below)
| Statement of solidarity
We, the scholars working in the Project “Melancholy in Medieval Europe”, hosted by the Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
express our solidarity with the people of Ukraine.
We are working on history of Medieval philosophy and culture. Our duty is to constantly search for the truth, to stay critical, to remain human. In these last days, Ukrainian people made a huge statement of courage and humanity.
Left by everyone, they did not despair. Attacked, they showed incredible resilience. Bombarded by propaganda and fake information, they remained united and pushed back with a display of unity, courage, and truthfulness.
In times like these, staying silent amounts to staying complicit with the aggressor. We stay behind all people of Ukraine and Russia who fight the invasion of Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, in the ways they have at their disposal.
March 1st, 2022
Join us! | 6-7 December 2021 Zoom workshop
Medicine and Philosophy III: Contagion and Fascination
organized by:
Alessandra Beccarisi (Lecce)
Martin Lenz (Groningen)
Evelina Miteva (Lecce / Cluj / Cologne)
More information:
Full program: link (pdf)
[ ✉︎ ] The workshop is open to everyone interested in the topic. Please contact the organizers to get the ZOOM link and the texts to be read in advance.
21 May 2021
➩ International Conference for Doctoral Students in Philosophy
Cluj-Napoca, Romania [online event]
Babeș-Bolyai University
Faculty of History and Philosophy
Doctoral School of Philosophy
Keynote lecture:
Paralleling today’s depression with Medieval melancholy
11 May 2021
➩ Evelina Miteva, What Is It Like To Be a Melancholic? The Account of Albertus Magnus (1200-1280)
Cluj-Napoca, Romania [online conference]
Babeș-Bolyai University
Faculty of History and Philosophy
Centre for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
Conferințele Centrului de Filosofie Antică și Medievală, semestrul de primăvară, 2021