786 | BTAM16.1 | | Bulletin de théologie ancienne et médiévale | da |
787 | BTAM16.2 | | Bulletin de théologie ancienne et médiévale | da |
788 | BTAM16.3 | | Bulletin de théologie ancienne et médiévale | da |
789 | BTAM16.4 | *** | Bulletin de théologie ancienne et médiévale | da |
790 | BUC1.1 | Martinus Bucerus | Opera Latina XV | da |
791 | BUN1.1 | Bünz, Enno | Die mittelalterliche Pfarrei : ausgewählte Studien zum 13.-16. Jahrhundert | da |
792 | BUR1.1 | Burlando, G. | De las pasiones en la filosofía medieval | da |
793 | BUR2.1 | Burnett, C.; Meirinhos, J.; Hamesse, J. (eds) | Continuities and disruptions between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance | da |
794 | BUR3.1 | Burton, Pierre-André | Bibliotheca aelrediana secunda | da |
795 | BUR4.1 | Buridanus, Johannes; De Rijk, L.M. (ed) | Lectura Erfordiensis in I-VI Metaphysicam, together with the 15th-century Abbreviatio Caminensis | da |
796 | BUR4.2 | Johannes Buridan | Commentarium in Aristotelis Metaphysicam | da |
797 | BUR4.3 | Buridanus, Iohannes; Hubien, Hubert (ed.) | Tractatus de consequentiis | da |
798 | BUR4.4 | John Buridan | John Buridan: Sophisms on meaning and truth | da |
799 | BUR5.1 | Burckhardt, Jakob | Griechische Kulturgeschichte. Der griechische Mensch | da |
800 | BUR5.2.1 | Burckhardt, Jacob | Civilisation de la Renaissance en Italie I | da |
801 | BUR5.2.2 | Burckhardt, Jacob | Civilisation de la Renaissance en Italie 2 | da |
802 | BUR5.2.3 | Burckhardt, Jacob | Civilisation de la Renaissance en Italie 3 | da |
803 | BUR6.1 | Burnet, John | Early Greek Philosophy | da |
804 | BUR7.1 | Walter Burleigh | De vita et moribus philosophorum | da |
805 | BUR8.1 | Burillo, Rosa M. Diaz | El Bellum civile de Lucano: Tradicion incunable y postincunable (1469-1520) | da |
806 | BUS1.1 | Keith Busby, Noris J. Lacy (eds.) | Conjunctures: Medieval Studies in Honor of Douglas Kelly | da |
807 | BUT1.1 | Philippe Büttgen, Alain de Libera, Marwan Rashed, Irene Rosier-Catach (eds.) | Les Grecs, les Arabes et nous. Enquete sur l'islamophobie savante | da |
808 | BUT1.2 | Buttgen, Philippe | Luther et la Philosophie | da |
809 | BUT2.1 | Butorac, David D.; Layne, Danielle A. (eds.) | Proclus and his legacy | da |
810 | CAD1.1 | Cadden, Joan | Meanings of Sex Difference in the Middle Ages. Medicine, Science and Culture. | da |
811 | CAE1.1 | Caius Iulius Caesar | De bello gallico | da |
812 | CAE1.2 | Caius Iulius Caesar | De bello civili | da |
813 | CAE1.3 | C. Iulius Caesar | Bellum Gallicum | da |
814 | CAE1.4 | C. Iulius Caesar | Bellum Galicum vol. I | da |
815 | CAE1.5 | C. Iulius Caesar | Bellum Civile | da |
816 | CAE1.6 | C. Iulius Caesar | Bellum Gallicum | da |
817 | CAI1.1 | Caiazzo, Irene | Lectures médiévales de Macrobe | da |
818 | CAL1.1 | Calcidius | Commentario al Timeo di Platone | da |
819 | CAL2.1 | Calma, Dragoş | Le Poids de la citation. Etudes sur les sources arabes et grecques dans l'oeuvre de Dietrich de Freiberg | da |
820 | CAL2.2 | Calma, Dragoş | Etudes sur le premier siecle de l'averroisme latin | da |
821 | CAL2.3.1 | Calma, Dragos (ed.) | Neoplatonism in the Middle Ages. I. New Commentaries on Liber de causis | da |
822 | CAL2.3.2 | Calma, Dragos(ed.) | Neoplatonism in the Middle Ages II. New Commentaries on Liber de causis and Elementatio Theologica | da |
823 | CAL2.4 | Calma, Dragos; Coccia, Emanuele (eds.) | Les sectatores Averrois. Noetique et cosmologie aux XIIIe-XIVe siecles | da |
824 | CAL3.1 | Calogero, Guido | I fondamenti della logica Aristotelica | da |
825 | CAL4.1.1 | Calvin, Jean | Învățătura religiei creștine vol. I | da |
826 | CAL4.1.2 | Calvin, Jean | Învățătura religiei creștine vol. II | da |
827 | CAL5.1 | Callinicus | Callinici De vita S. Hypatti | da |
828 | CAM1.1 | Richard of Campsall (author) ; Synan, Edward A. (ed.) | The Works of Richard of Campsall. Vol. I. Questiones super Librum Priorum Analeticorum | da |
829 | CAM2.1 | Campbell, Richard | Rethinking Anselm's arguments. A vindication of his proof of the existence of God | da |
830 | CAM3.1 | Campi, L.; Simonetta, S. (eds.) | Before and After Wyclif: Sources and Textual Influences | nu |
831 | CAM3.1#2 | Campi, L.; Simonetta, S. (eds.) | Before and After Wyclif: Sources and Textual Influences | da |
832 | CAN1.1 | Cantin, André | Foi et dialectique au XIe siècle | da |
833 | CAN2.1 | Cantemir, Dimitrie | L'immagine irrafigurabile della Scienta Sacro-Santa | da |
834 | CAN2.2 | Cantemir, Dimitrie | O cercetare naturală a monarhiilor | da |
835 | CAN3.1 | *** | Collectio Canonum In V Libris | da |