726 | BRE2.1 | Brehier, Emile | Les idees philosophiques et religieuses de Philon d' Alexandrie | da |
727 | BRE2.2 | Brehier, Emile | Histoire de la philosophie. Fascicule supplementaire no. 11: la philosophie byzantine par Basile Tatakis | da |
728 | BRE2.3.1 | Bréhier, Émile (trad.) | Les Stoïciens, vol. I | da |
729 | BRE2.3.2 | Bréhier, Émile (trad.) | Les Stoïciens, vol. II | da |
730 | BRE2.4.1 | Bréhier, Émile | Histoire de la philosophie: I. L'antiquité et le moyen-âge | da |
731 | BRE3.1.1 | Bremer, F. P. (ed.) | Iurisprudentia Antehadriana | da |
732 | BRE3.1.2.1 | Bremer, F. P. (ed.) | Iurisprudentia Antehadriana | da |
733 | BRE3.1.2.2 | Bremer, F. P. (ed.) | Iurisprudentia Antehadriana | da |
734 | BRE4.1 | Brenet, Jean-Baptiste ; Cesalli, Laurent (eds.) | Sujet libre. Pour Alain de Libera | da |
735 | BRE4.2 | Brenet, Jean-Baptiste; Lizzini, Olga Lucia (eds.) | La philosophie arabe à l'étude : sens, limites et défis d'une discipline moderne/Studying Arabic philosophy : meanings, limits and challenges of a modern disciplin | nu |
736 | BRE5.1 | Bréhier, Emile | La philosophie du Moyen Âge | da |
737 | BRI1.1 | Briguglia, Gianluca (ed) | Medioevo in discussione. Temi, problemi, interpretazioni del pensiero medievale | da |
738 | BRI2.1 | Monica Brînzei (ed.) | Nicolas of Dinkelsbuhl and the Sentences at VIenna in the Early Fifteenth Century | da |
739 | BRI2.2 | Brînzei, Monica; Schabel, Cristopher (eds.) | The Cistercian James of Eltville († 1393). Author in Paris and Authority in Vienna | da |
740 | BRI2.3 | Brînzei, Monica; Schabel, Cristopher (eds.) | Philosophical psychology in late-medieval commentaries on Peter Lombard's Sentences | da |
741 | BRI2.4 | Brînzei, Monica (ed.) | The rise of an academic elite : deans, masters, and scribes at the University of Vienna before 1400 | da |
742 | BRI2.5 | Brînzei, Monica (coord.) | Henricus de Rinfeldia. Notes from the Classroom and Disputed Questions at the University of Vienna before 1400. A Transcription of the Manuscript Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, A X 44 | da |
743 | BRI2.6 | Brinzei, Monica; Coman, Daniel; Curut, Ioana; Marinca, Andrei (eds.) | Pseudo-Aristotelian texts in medieval thought | da |
744 | BRI3.1 | Carlo Alberto Brioschi | Il Malaffare. Breve Storia della Corruzione | da |
745 | BRI4.1 | L. Brisson, J.F. Pradeau | Dictionnaire Platon | da |
746 | BRI4.2 | Luc Brisson, Seamus O'Neill, Andrei Timotin (eds.) | Neoplatonic Demons and Angels | da |
747 | BRI4.3 | Brisson, Luc | Platon, les mots et les mythes | da |
748 | BRI4.4 | Brisson, Luc | Le même et l'autre dans la structure ontologique du Timée de Platon : un commentaire systématique du Timée de Platon | da |
749 | BRI4.5 | Brisson, Luc | Lectures de Platon | da |
750 | BRO1.1 | Brodsky, Pavel, Parez, Jan | Catalogue of the illuminated manuscripts of the Strahov Library | da |