636 | VAN2.1 | Vant Stef, Felicia | Morfologia istorica greaca | da |
637 | IJS1.1 | Ijsewijn, Jozef; Paquet, Jacques (ed.) | Les universités à la fin du Moyen âge/The Universities in the Late Middle Ages | da |
638 | AER1.3 | Aertsen, Jan; Emery, Kent; Speer, Andreas (Hsg.) | After the Condemnation of 1277 | da |
639 | GOS1.1 | Gosden, David | Starting to Read Medieval Latin Manuscript | da |
640 | HUG1.1 | Hugo de Saint-Victor | Didascalicon | da |
641 | CHI1.1 | Chiaradonna, Riccardo | Sostanza, movimento, analogia. Plotino critico di Aristotele | da |
642 | FIL1.1 | Fillion-Lahille, Jeanine | Le De Ira de Sénèque et la philosophie stoïcienne des passions | da |
643 | NIC1.1#1 | Autrécourt, Nicolas d' | Correspondance, articles condamnés [1335-1336] | da |
644 | PIN1.1 | Pinchard, Bruno (ed.) | File follie ou la catastrophe humaniste | da |
645 | TAS1.1 | Tasinato, Maria | Sulla curiosità. Apuleio e Augustino | nu |
646 | MAR5.1 | Marcus Aurelius | Ganduri catre sine | da |
647 | ARI1.27 | Aristotel | Despre suflet | da |
648 | ECK1.2 | Eckhart, Meister | Intrebari pariziene si alte scrieri | nu |
649 | ROS1.1 | Rosemann, Philipp W. | The Story of a Great Medieval Book. Peter Lombard's Sentences | da |
650 | JUN1.1 | Jung-Palczewska, Elzbieta | Prima verba. Krakowskie mowy uniwersyteckie | da |
651 | GAS1.1.1 | Gasiorowski, Antoni; Jurek, Tomasz; Skierska, Izabela (eds.) | Metryka Uniwersytetu Krakowskiego z lat 1400-1508. Tom I | da |
652 | GAS1.1.2 | Gasiorowski, Antoni; Jurek, Tomasz; Skierska, Izabela (eds.) | Metryka Uniwersytetu Krakowskiego z lat 1400-1508. Tom II | da |
653 | NIC3.1 | Nicholas of Methone | Refutation of Proclus' Elements of Theology | da |
654 | BOE1.2 | Boethius | De topicis differentiis | da |
655 | PAC1.1 | Pachymeres, George | Commentary on Plato's Parmenides | da |
656 | PLE1.1 | Georges Gémiste Pléthon | Oracles Chaldaiques | da |
657 | BAR3.1 | Barlaam von Seminara | Logistiké | da |
658 | BLE1.1 | Nikephoros Blemmydes | Gegen die Vorherbestimmung der Todesstunde | da |
659 | PLE1.2 | Georges Gémiste Pléthon | Traité des vertus | da |
660 | PSE1.1 | Anonymous; Psellos, Michael | Miscellanea Philosophica. A Miscellany in the Tradition of Michael Psellos | da |
661 | GRE1.1.2 | Gregorius Magnus | Dialogues II | da |
662 | LIB1.1.2 | Libera, Alain de | Archéologie du sujet: La quête de l'identité (vol.2) | da |
663 | KON1.1 | König-Pralong, Catherine | Le bon usage des savoirs | da |
664 | ERI2.1 | Erismann, Christophe | L'homme commun | da |
665 | AGA1.1 | Agamben, Giorgio | Angeli | da |
666 | RIC1.1 | Ricklin, Thomas (ed.) | Exempla docent | da |
667 | PET2.1.1 | Petrarca | Rerum familiarum I-III | da |
668 | PET2.1.2 | Petrarca | Rerum familiarum IV-VII | da |
669 | PET2.1.3 | Petrarca | Rerum familiarum VIII-XI | da |
670 | PET2.1.4 | Petrarca | Rerum familiarum XII-XV | da |
671 | PET2.1.5 | Petrarca | Rerum familiarum XVI-XIX | da |
672 | PET2.2.1 | Petrarca | Rerum senilium I-III | da |
673 | PET2.2.2 | Petrarca | Rerum senilium IV-VII | da |
674 | PET2.2.3 | Petrarca | Rerum senilium VIII-XI | nu |
675 | PET2.2.4 | Petrarca | Rerum senilium XII-XV | nu |
676 | PET2.3.1 | Petrarca | Africa I-V | da |
677 | UNT1.1.4 | Untersteiner, Mario | Sofisti : testimonianze e frammenti IV | da |
678 | UNT1.1.1 | Untersteiner, Mario | Sofisti : testimonianze e frammenti I | da |
679 | UNT1.1.2 | Untersteiner, Mario | Sofisti : testimonianze e frammenti II | da |
680 | UNT1.1.3 | Untersteiner, Mario | Sofisti : testimonianze e frammenti III | da |
681 | LEF2.1 | Lefèvre, Charles | Sur l'évolution d'Aristote en phychologie | da |
682 | BOB2.1 | Bobzien, Susan | Determinism and freedom in stoic philosophy | da |
683 | SAN1.1 | Sandbach, F. H. | Aristotle and the Stoics | da |
684 | LON1.2 | Long, A. A. | Problems in stoicism | da |
685 | DYS1.1 | Dyson, Henry | Prolepsis and Ennoia in the early Stoa | da |